
ugh, I hate to say this, but everything about this person and their responses scream “unable to read and understand social cues and norms,” which leads me to believe they’re on the spectrum. this is me being generous, because otherwise they’re enjoying a long-game troll job here

I hear you, and I didn’t mean to imply you don’t these issues seriously (we wouldn’t having this convo if you didn’t), just that the argument has uncomfortable similarities with those that actually don’t take it seriously.

I very much appreciate the empathy.

Good points again. I’m sorry that I’m only now apologizing for getting heated earlier, but for what it’s worth, I’m sorry for getting heated earlier. Misdirected anger stemming from yet another high-profile man outed for serial sexual assault.

I appreciate this perspective, and mostly take issue here:

forgive the long cut and paste here (with some edits), but I and another commenter went back and forth on this and what I said there is relevant here:

this back and forth has sharpened my overall argument, and I’m going to cut and paste here (with some editing/elaboration) what I just posted as another response to the OP:

and another thing: while well-intentioned, your argument here inadvertently perpetuates a culture of silence. it mirrors the issue facing victims of harrassment/assualt/rape from going to the authorities because it’s essentially “my word versus their word.” perhaps it’s worth considering that the tenets of journalism

lol, ok bud. your argument is well-intentioned but myopic.

are you shitting me?

I’m still thinking through my thoughts on this (is it ethical journalism or not, did Jezebel go at it the right way, etc) but your last line really bothers me:

hey Drew, I’m down here in the grays but want to say, as a man, thank you so fucking much for writing this. i had my own small version on facebook, and while there is a performative aspect to pointing at past trangressions, it’s necessary. we got to talk about. among friends and colleagues and family, wherever we can.

“if you’re fouling out you’re doing something”

pickled pearl onions are tiny orgasms

I agree with you, but, like, when I see that I have no qualms turning that shit vertical. flight attendants do it as well.

awesome, thanks for the backstory!

in the highlight vid the announcer said, after a pull up jumper from Embiid, “nothing but sweet string music” and I swear, I’ve never heard that bit of announcer poetry for a swish and I LOVE IT

eh there are some decent papuserias in Columbia Heights-ish but yeah you got to out into nameless Virgnia suburbs for the real stuff

jesus christ, maybe you can sorta imagine execs at ESPN not really understanding the unmitigated toxic shitheart that beats at the center of Barstool, but that head image just screams “creeper van” and I can’t believe anyone from creative would sign off on that.

I’m gonna reuse most a comment I made earlier. Pressure, criticism, and condemnation from your peers isn’t monumental change. It’s just you and your values and how to work to project those values into the world around you. I mean, that’s how this starts. Person to person, one conversation at a time, one dropped