Rule-Breaking Moth

Who exactly are these people clamoring for another character destroying sequel? I think SJP needs to move on with her life and stop making other people responsible for her failures of imagination.

If we go by conservative christian logic, where their god rewards or punishes people for their very existence by it’s arbitrary laws, then those 59 people all deserved to die. So why have gun control? If the christian god wants people to be murdered for living sinful lives, who is Paul Ryan to intercede?

Honey, I am so sorry. The only girl/woman I knew who “got over it,” was a friend of mine who had a strong relationship with her parents, who were both strong people. A funny uncle who was living in their house temporarily started abusing her, and one day when he was out of the house, she told her parents.

manipulating a 15 year old who wants to be an actor, and raping her repeatedly. what a piece of shit.

Rapists gonna rape / men gonna make excuses

Nah, I’m good with the humans in my life. It’s just that, inevitably, some smoker/loner will decide to sit next to me on the train and then I have to smell their despair.

Not for me. Can you smokers/cat owners please just die alone in a closed room?

Let’s see if this checks out:

The legality of protest and it’s illegal oppression by powerful school officials are very different things. That power has the luxury of acting illegally while these young people suffer.

if only some good samaritan had choked the life out of this waste of sperm when his crimes came to light... alas.

Ms. Greiner wants it to be over b/c it’s dragged on for years and she’s dealt with it on her own end apparently but if he had just done his pitiful amount of time back when it happened, instead of running, maybe it could be “over” for him too. As important as the victim is, justice is also about saying “no you can’t

A rapist who used his position to gain the trust of his victim before raping her.

He now lives in France with his wife, actress Emmanuelle Seigner

Even now, it’s all about you, isn’t it, you jerk?

Even beyond the grossness of his certainty that everyone is a pedophile, it’s more than a little telling that Polanski doesn’t include women in his concept of “everyone.”

I mean, the answer is clearly West Palm Beach...or is it West Palm? Or Palm Beach?

Religious nutjobs who want women to be submissive and know that if we don’t have to get married to losers we won’t.

Exactly. I guffaw at the assumption that marriage is the end-all be-all of human existence! Maybe marriage SHOULD be declining.

So, since a lot of people seem to have forgotten, Mark Regnerus is a Catholic fundamentalist asshole who published a “study” that purported to prove definitively that gay people were not good parents. It was a trash study, and did a lot of damage because at the time it gave anti-gay-marriage advocates an excuse to