Rule-Breaking Moth

This is great, but also, much of the west is on fire. Acres and acres of some of the most beautiful forests on earth have burned, and thousands of people have lost their homes, land, and everything they own. At least one firefighter has died. It takes decades for a forest to recover, and I don’t think you can put a

This is good and I hope it goes well. But the cynic in me thinks there will be a “where did the money go?” scandal in a year’s time.

“So, what five things do you do to not quite make ends meet?”

Right? If you are engaged in or even just supportive of social justice work as a white Christian, the appropriate response to “white Christians have a racism/sexism/transphobia/homophobia/etc. problem” is not “don’t lump us all together!” but “yes, we do, and I am working to change that in myself and others.” Because

Pastor claims ignorant racism is a real problem, parishioners prove him right. 

He said what I have been thinking. It’s not necessarily the Confederate statues that bother me, it’s that they have been elevated to idolatry. I remember back when Bin Laden was killed, they did not return his body to his family because they did not want his grave to become a shrine.

“Hey, there are good Christians on both sides.”

-D. Trump

Seems perfectly reasonable in Trump’s America that “good” Christians get mad at at another Christian for actually being a Good Christian.

I don’t think the issue is so much what he said, but rather that he gained so much publicity in doing so. A secretive cult like Christianity hates the spotlight and that’s why most of us have never heard of it.

Another example of church people being good Christians, bless their hateful little shriveled up hearts.

it’s good at killing fruit flies.

Naw. The press tabs (ecstasy) that I rolled on in college in the late 90s/early aughts were way fucking better than the molly I’ve taken since then & I’ve done some pretty fucking pure molly.

User name checks out.

Celebrities are damned if they do and damned if they don’t. If they don’t speak out they are not “using their platform”. If they do speak out, they will definitely make a mistake (because they’re human) and people tell them they are out of touch and to stfu. Suddenly they are cancelled because of how “problematic”

Thanks... eggs-actly what I’ve been looking for and a nice price.

Good rec!

Here’s a funny story somewhat related to this article.

You’d be surprised how many people remember that you took a few minutes to make a small gesture like a response to the rejection. I got a job this way once. I interviewed but they picked someone else. I wrote a quick “thank you for letting me know, it was nice to meet you, etc.” note in response. Two months later, the

That was on Seinfeld (for one)