Rule-Breaking Moth

Yup. I’ve terminated almost all relationships with trump voters, including family. I never did that with Bush. Voting for trump proves to me that you aren’t a decent human being.

Every decline was a vote for him in my book.

Eh... I think this election was different in that it bled past the lines of politics and became a true litmus test over where we, the voters, stand on a moral and social plane. Your vote in 2016 is a question of character. Donald Trump’s election was less of a shift in political climate and more of a national crisis.

Why? Carole campaigned door-to-door for Hillary Clinton in a swing state before the election. And afterwards, both her and Dorinda walked in the women’s march. Both of them are clearly political.

This is correct. Also, the thing about not eating with your left hand is a big one too in the Middle East.

When you’re telling the truth, your story never changes.

Yeah, I have no problem with someone saying, “Can I think about that and come back to it later?”

God gets the credit, Satan gets the blame. It lets people rationalize their inability to accept that people, including themselves, could be ultimately responsible for anything really good or really bad that happens.

Oh, yeah – Emma Carmichael stepped down 6 weeks ago. :/

Right! Everyone is shocked liberal VT is on this, but I grew up in a vastly different state than it’s reputation across the nation portrays. It’s so white, you can get snowblindness in the summer, from all the bare legs.

Fucking white people.

The best part of using mayo for grilled cheese is that even straight out of the fridge, it spreads thinly and evenly on even the weakest of breads. If the butter isn’t sitting out at room temp and you want a grilled cheese and have an aversion to mayo, you ain’t eating grilled cheese.

That is unsettling.

Mayo is not inherently bad and wrong. Miracle Whip, however ....

I read a few good reviews then, I read a whole bunch of bad reviews (complaints), to see what the issues might be with the product and, based on that I feel I can make a better decision.

I browned a tuna fillet in a skillet last night, putting the smallest amount of mayo on each side first.

Kind of common sense - the more people who give a mediocre rating to a product, the more likely it is to be mediocre. I would take a chance and buy the one with fewer reviews. Plus, you actually have to read the negative reviews to decide if they’re even credible. Some people give a bad rating because the post office

“Use disposable tissues instead as many cultures find the idea of handkerchiefs repulsive.”

The peace sign is fine. It’s doing the peace sign showing the knuckle side of your hand that is rude. Which is not the peace sign anyhow.