Rule-Breaking Moth

Old Bay is the kind of cheating I can get on board with.

Garlic salt, tumeric, basil, bay leaves, chili powder.

Cardamom was a spice I never needed to use until a recent recipe called for it. Holy shit. Now I look for reasons to use it.

I’ve had to resort to using TP in hand towel-less bathrooms. Or letting myself out with my forearm and getting a paper towel from the kitchen. Or wiping my hands on my clothes.

When we have parties, I always remove our bath towels, toothbrushes, and a few other personal items from the bathroom. It helps keep make the

The lid should be closed when flushing in case the toilet splashes.

DOes anyone in this administration know how to do like, the barest of the bare minimum to at least look like decent human beings? It’s not that hard.

Unsolicited advice from someone who survived a very necessary estrangement from her own mother: beware of anyone who attempts to convince you that you should be able to look past this. I wish someone had told me 20 years ago that “blood is not thicker than safety.” Thank you and good luck.

I use them not for the bacterial protection, but because the last person who squatted likely peed on the seat and I don’t want to sit in their pee.

generally, it’s a fear of specific things as a result of how you were raised or taught. Like, people are scared of spiders, but not mosquitoes. But spiders don’t typically bite people, and they don’t carry diseases that we are worried about, where as mosquitoes are all those things.

As my middle school health teacher said, “The only way you’re going to catch anything from sitting on the toilet is if the other person is still there.”

the only confirmed attendee is LL Cool J

I think comment sections can cover many aspects of even very sad events, and that of course condolences are important, but speaking about the larger topic of terrorism isn’t rude or irrelevant, especially since many people had already expressed how terrible this tragedy is. If you do, cool, we have different

My first boss told me of his first post-college adventures in Spain in the early 1950s (“Just a backpack and a Vespa”). One particularly memorable afternoon, he was herded into the village square with the locals and forced to watch the garrotting of a Basque “terrorist”. Said it was the most terrible thing he ever saw

He waited 4 whole hours before posting about the pig’s blood, because as he said the other day, he likes to get all the facts first, unlike the fake news.

Also, if you’re familiar with the Franco era, you really don’t want to fuck around with the Spanish national police force. They have a long history of taking the gloves off when necessary.

Wow, cool that you chose to read it that way. Then again, you called someone a ‘shyster’ on another post, so based on your use of a slur, I’m guessing you’re a shitty troll.

Did the police also hunt down and kill their families? If not, weak!

Of course I’m sure all those people (*cough* Nazi-in-Chief *cough*) who used the earlier attack to claim us wee timid gunless Europeans are soft on “Terror” (*cough* Islam *cough*) and are “in chaos” will equally promote this about our normally successful ability to stop attacks before they happen just like I’m sure

With the rampant fear of the Islamic State in the United States, it really is important to remember that far-right extremists have killed almost as many people in the US since 9/11 (more if you view the Pulse shooting as motivated by homophobia more than Islamic extremism) and domestic terrorism is homegrown: