Rule-Breaking Moth

Charming Charlie sells a fuckton of wallets, in all shapes and sizes you can think of. I really like their magic wallet, which is really small and fits anywhere. And their stuff holds up pretty well.

I hate her so much and must express that every time I see her name mentioned. Goddamn I wish she would disappear.

Men’s wallets and those tiny zipped coin purses/mini-wallets, or whatever they’re called, are going to be your friend!

I can’t recommend anything in particular but have you tried looking into men’s wallets? A lot of them are super-slim duo-folds or even just glorified leather business card cases. They’re super-slim because most men wear wallets in their back pants pocket and not every man wants to look like they have a huge boil

Starred for “veggie math.”

I really enjoyed her book. It really motivated me to clear stuff out and I use a few things from it but can’t find myself sticking to it fully which isn’t even because of kids. I find things aren’t consistent in their value so it doesn’t always work to pick up an item and judge it on the spot if it’s worth keeping.

“The corporate Democratic Party is a failure and their rejection of policies they deem to be “too socialist” will keep that failure going towards annihilation. The base of the Progressive coalition is a fair economic system that keeps the 99% from being brutalized by pro corporate policy.”

Sorry every candidate that Bernie & his “revolution” has backed has lost. The term “bro” deserves to be mocked since all of you seem to have issues with people of color, particularly women. There hasn’t been one that Bernie & his crew haven’t gone after with a vengeance. Spare me the Nina Turner shit, as she’s as

I despise the term “bernie bro”. Maybe because it’s meant to disparage people like me.

Would Bernie Bot suffice?

Poll: Half of Republicans are morons.

He did move. Towards her. While she was staying in her lane and giving him plenty of room to walk.

His victim will serve a life sentence of depression and anxiety.

Oh my god, I just watched that with the sound off and I’m here for their facial expressions alone.

dorinda looks fab.

and think they can get away with it! Like it gives them a license.

He’s gay, so that’s probably the reason he threw the homophobic slur in there too.

please someone post the article about how gay men can sometimes be the absolute most sexist fucktards around because they think they can be

To be honest, I think that it was his way of saying “I am part of a marginalised, oppressed people, too!”