You’re walking your dog. Someone else is walking their dog. Your pup is so excited to meet a new friend, and it’s…
You’re walking your dog. Someone else is walking their dog. Your pup is so excited to meet a new friend, and it’s…
You should not be skeptical of science. You should, however, be entirely skeptical of science-sounding commercial promotion that is based on incomplete research that is not from a legitimate university-affiliated source or published in any of the many scientific journals that have an International Serial Standard…
Science is perfectly fine, thanks. It’s the scientifically illiterate writers and “journalists” who parrot PR pieces or misinterpret (willfully or not) regurgitated abstracts to sell papers/magazines/views that are the real problem.
“All women should know by now that if they’re going to criticize publicly then they better come correct with all their facts because there will be no lenience given. None! It’s not fair but it’s reality and it will be used against you and against anyone who feels remotely the same to invalidate everything you’re…
I’m sorry, but I believe that the internet has decided that she was technically wrong - the worst kind of wrong.
If you are going to ask for professional advice just do it. Don’t hesitate, don’t be a know it all, check your pride at the door. Getting the job and learning are priority #1. Just explain to the person what you know, and say “What would you do.” or “Could you tell me where to start?” I just started a new job in…
Yeah, this article is missing so many caveats that it’s almost bad. I’m also concerned that this article is tailored only to specific job markets.
I would hate if someone I didn’t know cold-called me.
So, yes and no.
As someone who’s job is literally giving advice, this comes up a surprising amount. Usually by people who want to jump the queue for questions I get through my submission form.
“Can I buy you a coffee and pick your brain?” What caused this delusion among the advice-needing people of the world…
...including a claim from Karen Berg that Madonna asked her then-husband Guy Ritchie to get circumcised (and he allegedly complied) as she got in deeper and deeper with the Kabbalah Centre.
She kicked ass in the Comey session too.
I’ve been saying Kamala Harris 2020 since before the 2016 election was even over. She’s awesome. I hope she’s president someday.
Kamala 2020. I refuse to accept anything less.
Because lies are literally all they have. Honesty is to Republicans as sunlight is to vampires.
This has to be the reason for all of the male outrage regarding abortion (or even birth control to some degree). Just why would anyone care that Julie down the street decides to get an abortion? WHY would they care? It has nothing (NOTHING) to do with them and does not affect them in any way. Who hurt you, dipshit?…