I can’t be the only one who thinks this is kind of awesome, right? Isn’t this basically peak-Jalop? Buying the cars of yesteryear that we claim to pine for, but also with a warranty?
I can’t be the only one who thinks this is kind of awesome, right? Isn’t this basically peak-Jalop? Buying the cars of yesteryear that we claim to pine for, but also with a warranty?
I’m rooting for them both
You and I both already know the answer to that question.
“Nobody wants to work!”
Taxi regulation is garbage and medallions are priced way out of reach for a regular Joe to be an operator.
StalePhish drinks the Tesla Kool-aid, and stans for Musk here constantly.
I thought cars were male and pickup trucks were female in the US.
LOL yeah I didn’t know what it was at first. Kind of like the first time I saw one of those “Slow Children Ahead” signs, like why are you telling me there are dumb kids ahead LMAO
If any article actually DESERVES to be a slideshow...of course it ends up being an article with a single photograph.
Imagined how shocked people where when their milk was delivered in a truck rather than a horse drawn cart. They probably had to google it back then, too.
“Mercedes-Benz is the first automaker to gain approval to sell a Level 3 automated driving system in the United States”
The episode is in fact quite fair to Musk, believe it or not. Oliver does give credit to the man where it is due, and he even skips his upbringing and emerald mine jump-start, so the focus is just on the dumb shit Musk does today.
ESTEEMED character actress Margo Martindale, please.
No, ‘Cats’ failed because they were too cowardly to release the Butthole Cut.
Happy to see Patrick getting some recognition on the interwebs. Next up, the real starts of the show: Patrick’s parents.
Isn’t amazing how the merest whiff of basic human decency can get you branded as a left wing loon nowadays?
What’s hilarious is, the commenters on here who are knocking Jalopnik for criticizing Musk, questioning John Oliver’s reporting, or defending Musk’s views and statements - aren’t even Elon Musk fans most of the time. They’re conservatives who agree with most of what he thinks and says, so an attack on him is an attack…
While I 100% agree and wish this was the case, I think the OEMs would see this as eating into new car purchases. Having the latest tech is a good incentive to upgrade to the latest model- offering the tech without the car means you’re selling fewer cars.
Yeah the fact that the car runs everything through the headunit nowadays is moronic and creates nothing but issues.