
*raises hand* Never once noticed that, been through the Hinterlands several times now. I think I might have an attention problem xD

Can't wait to see her floating this year:

Or the "I'm turning my back to the player for a bit and look just passed the camera while delivering dialog then turning back the the player." It's almost hilarious how recognizable all these animations have become. I like it though, in a weird way.

Game looks cool but..


Get it - REACHing?

He will be replaced with Mr. Dream.

Let's be honest about two things:

If you build it, they will cum.

How to draw generic characters 101.

Why would they do that?!

I can't recommend your comment enough.

I hated BattleBots on Comedy Central.

I'm amazed at how little this looks like something on a SNES.


...They replicate the cloning tech that the aliens used to make the Kaijus and make STACKS of Stacker Pentecosts! BOOM! MOVIE SAVED! WHERES MY CHECK, FUCKERS!?

I loved him, the other characters were retarded.

Hi! I've done some latin american spanish voiceover work for Legend of Korra and managed to sneak a peek at some episodes of the third season, and as far as I can tell it has a much better feel, pace and story than Book 2. The villains in this particular season are pretty interesting IMO and we get a better look at

I felt the same way, except with a more firey passion for the death of the writer of those cringeworthy dialogue.

I'd like Chiwetel Ejiofor. Loved him as the Operative in Firefly and just about everything else he's been in.