Was it Luke Cage or the new Power Man? The Alvarez guy?
Was it Luke Cage or the new Power Man? The Alvarez guy?
Hey y’know what? Me too.
Doctor Strange is a little different because the magic he uses isn’t an invention of the asian culture that takes him in. His teacher happens to be an old asian man but there is a huge magical world in The Marvel universe that has practitioners in every culture and country. Also they’ve had the role of Sorcerer…
I’m glad someone gets it. There are hundreds of white martial arts master in comics. Batman, Oliver Queen, Wolverine, Steve Rogers..the list goes on and on. That’s not the issue. The issue is the Last Samurai/white savior complex.
Yes. Thank you.
I know!! And I wish they pushed him in other media the way they push Iron Fist. But they don’t...
I completely agree.
Oracle is cool and Tim Drake was cool after his mom was poisoned and his dad caught a boomerang in the chest. I didn’t care for all the sass and jokes.
I think Dick Grayson is the only proof that Batman doesn’t just raise psychos.
Absolutely. As long as it was more like X-com as far as the combat goes and more like Fire Emblem as far as the relationship stuff goes.
I don’t think being non-white is a guarantee of anything. I think Bendis is the best Luke cage writer I’ve read and he’s a little white guy. You just need a write that understands that these are people first and is willing to let go of their bullshit stereotypes.
It works for him and only him.
Because it’s not just about the Martial Arts. His entire backstory, the fictional city of Kul’lun (or however it’s spelled) is all an amalgam of asian imagery and culture. The Iron Fist brand (Much like Avatar: The Last Airbender) is a celebration of Traditional Asian and martial Arts culture. The same way Wakanda is…
I think making him Asian or at least half asian would be a nice way to rectify this old mistake.
A lot of people didn’t stick around long enough to see him evolve is the problem.
I think that worked fine for Dick Grayson’s and Bruce Wayne’s youth. But he grew up and moved away. Then Batman dealing with the idea of making his son less broken and trying to embrace that innocence and bring it out in his own son so he doesn’t grow up to be a psychopath works just as well.