Ruin Tomaro III

Teens and bad rap go hand-in-hand.

feeding them Tide Pods

The team also reportedly plans to resume its tradition of only beating Vancouver once, maybe twice in a lifetime.

Best. Jersey. Ever.

why is this so funny

They’re emotional support toddlers. If you have them, you need emotional support.

What? Facts, research, and a measured response? GTFO of here.

Comfort turkeys?! Come ON. Turkeys are nowhere near comforting.

Diminish and go into the West, Hillary.

um they often do something called ‘fundraising’; they’re aboe to get people or companies who’d like to use their adventures for advertising purposes, i think they’re called ‘sponsors’; and spend every dollar they earn on their climbing trips.

Given that Orlando City has only existed for three years and never made the playoffsThey were so close in their second season. They were playing well but had a five-game stretch where the refs either jobbed them to make a win a tie or a tie a loss and they hit a skid. Then they fired their coach and have sucked ever

Wow. Shots fired.

South Carolina certainly didn’t feel this interested in standing for the US flag a little over 150 years ago.

You make the categoric statements and have the self-assurance of a fourteen-year-old.

simply not true. there is a whole bunch of shit you don’t know about climbing, unsurprisingly enough.

it’s not at all like setting yourself on fire, and the ‘death zone’ is an artificial boundary colloquially invented by Jon Krakauer for Into Thin Air.

Well, the rescuers in this case were a Polish professional mountain climbers who volunteered to help.

I do not want to climb Naked Mountain any more than I want to climb Killer Mountain.

Always Urdu Truthers.

I’m sure the Poles volunteered for the job just on the off chance they’d have the opportunity to piss on the frozen corpse of a long dead Nazi.