So in 2k17, this guy absolutely bombed me in a Summer League game but he didn’t make their final roster, so I picked him up and in his first year he won Rookie of the Year, Sixth Man of the Year, and MVP while averaging about 16/14/13.
So in 2k17, this guy absolutely bombed me in a Summer League game but he didn’t make their final roster, so I picked him up and in his first year he won Rookie of the Year, Sixth Man of the Year, and MVP while averaging about 16/14/13.
When asked why Papagiannis was cut, Divac replied, “I know a flop when I see one!”
I thoroughly enjoyed the appropriate appropriations of Stone Cold’s “...gimme a hell yeah” and then the “What” responses from the crowds.
There are a lot of people in WWE that could learn a thing or two about promos from this.
should we force parents to vaccinate their child because we inherently know that their reasoning is nonsense?
Z-Bo, Vince Carter and Joe Johnson. My beloved Kings are going to be something in 2010, baby!
Joe Johnson, Dwyane Wade and Derrick Rose? The 2011 NBA trade deadline is nuts!
This is why I say ban all government sponsored marriages. Let people have their own private marriages. Then let them register whomever the fuck they want to make their medical decisions and inherit from them.
I bet that smarmy fifteen year old is already a well-known caller on Boston sports radio.
Puig probably banged somebody’s wife.
I hesitate to speculate on a reason for the cut...BUT a glance at the Wasserman team page seems to reveal a bunch of lame ass nerd-looking mother fuckers working there.
TJ Sochi
The Philly Special is actually the hoagie you forgot you bought at 1 a.m. and put in the fridge and then when you wake up at 1 p.m and try to get your shit online and put together a plan of attack for nourishment you see that sub in your fridge and praise the foresight of your past self. That is the Philly Special.
At a Violent Femmes concert I went to in high school I asked Gordon Gano if I could come up onstage to sing a song with them. I swear to God the look in his eye at that moment was exactly the same as you see in Pederson’s here. Of course he said no, but I remain convinced that he actually considered it.
This Adam Smith guy needs to read his own books! After all, he’s the one who said, “consumption is the sole end and purpose of all production.”
How long is it really?
God I fucking love this team so much.
The brief pause while Pederson considers, then agrees “yeah, let’s do it” brings a genuine smile to my face.
The only lie there is if you believe “Greatest Country in the World” = “can do no wrong”. You’d have to be dumb and lying to yourself to believe that.