Ruin Tomaro III

Pretty sure that if you want it to be colder, you turn the air conditioner up, but you turn the thermostat down. That’s probably where the confusion comes from.

99% chance it’s one of the Hadids.

May I introduce you to the Pittsburgh Penguins sometime?

It’s easy to talk calmly about “disproportionate force” when you’re not the person who just got punched.

Yeah, I feel like Dan had a very different feeling than I did watching Iguodala, Young and company scuffle around to low playoff seeds and very rare playoff wins in the post-Iverson seasons. With the Flyers, Phillies and Eagles, it’s always been like “If we can get to the postseason, maybe we can win”. Look at the

Has been for at least a couple of years now.

Well, when you court an audience from a community that’s most noted for its ability to ostracize anyone who even comes near crossing a line, you better not cross that line (or even get accused of it).

That’s just a Dirty Shirley. You can get them pretty much anywhere. My wife’s favorite drink.

Thank God Kimmo got his Cup, even if it came in Chicago.

That DOES sound exactly like what the Star Wars fanbase did with Boba Fett.

The problem is that Pachulia is near-worthless no matter what, and probably the kind of dumbass who’d wear “I took a clothesline to take out their best player” as a badge of honor. Hurting him doesn’t change anything.

I believe that third party is known as “The Job Squad”.

He’s really set up to fail, too. Their defense, outside Ryan “should still be a Canadien” McDonagh, is AWFUL.

Sure, and in the mid-80s, the “heyday of basketball” everybody loves to talk about, it was the Lakers, Sixers and Celtics (with the Pistons coming on in the middle) and a bunch of scrubs who couldn’t have beaten those teams with an all-star team.

It’s just the way basketball is. If anything, we’re lucky that Shaq

I had to google for a gender check.

Hey look, I admitted I was wrong downstream. Fuck you.

Agreed. I admitted my mistake upthread.

I feel like it doesn’t have to be coal, but you gotta be kissing SOMETHING. I didn’t know Clinton had that plan (and in retrospect I probably figured she would have, she IS pretty much the world’s best technocrat), but it still seems to lack the kind of concrete details you’d need.

As in, don’t say “instead of coal,

Interesting - I had not seen that the last time I looked for it (pre-election). Thank you, I stand corrected!

Well, sit, anyway. Standing desks suck.

Nah, but it means Left Populism has to have another answer.

There’s a big difference between “we’re shutting down the coal mines” and “we’re shutting down the coal mines and here are the jobs we’re bringing in to replace them.” I dunno that Sanders had an answer for the latter either, but I felt not having a massive