
Let’s put things in perspective:

I think that Trigger Warning Tina person is a troll too. Of the concern troll variety. They keep pulling the “just go to the police” bullshit even though when it comes to campus rape, they’ll often just refer the victims back to the university and even though the police and courts aren’t exactly any better to rape

No need to apologize to the nice sex workers. They aren’t whores. Whores are people like Dr. Oz or Rudy Giuliani.

lol. You think Trump knows Dr. Oz is a Muslim? Oh the irony.

I suspect, if this article was posted someone other than Jezebel or another feminist-leaning blog, that a good 30-40% of the commenters would agree with the dean. And that may be a conservative estimate.

All.of this just hurts my brain

There is not enough damage control on this earth. I’m an alum and can attest to the “alums are causing as big of a ruckus as we know how to cause” side of things.

I’m a happy and quiet agnostic usually, but this election has just made me want to climb to the highest rooftop and shout “I DON’T KNOW ONE WAY OR ANOTHER, AND I LIKE IT THAT WAY!!”

I actually sort of appreciate the evangelical support for Trump. They might as well just come out and say, “Hey, America! We hate brown people and women more than we love Jesus!”


I have to hand it to Trump- he found the one place where he wouldn’t be the biggest quack in the room.

The dean thought it was reasonable for him to continue until he was finished. It didn’t matter she wanted him to stop. His pleasure mattered more then her right to her body.

I would like to wake up from this bad dream now, please.

“Hey there, Cecilia...our investigation has found that you were undeniably raped, but it turns out that your attacker was super committed so it would have been mean to not let him cum.

I cannot fucking believe they said that shit to her. It would also be reasonable to assume people have body autonomy and get to choose what they will and won’t do and that a WOMAN IS NOT MERELY A SPERM RECEPTICAL WITH THE ABILITY TO THINK AND GO OUTSIDE SOMETIMES

I graduated from this school a couple years ago and I worked for the athletic department while there. It’s basically an Ivy League school in the south. My Facebook feed is full of us just fucking pissed that the administration did nothing about this case, and hasn’t done anything about other cases. I’ve personally met

Which they (or maybe Cecilia) did with the non-contact complaints and responses. If they’re sitting on a piece of evidence that would prove their case, I assume it would be provided quickly.

Fuck Daniel Fabien. I hope he gets fired without severance. It's too much to hope that anything happens to the rapist or that Carreras gets any resolution.

“deeply saddened” means “annoyed you’re stirring up shit and now we have to do damage control”

I’ve read so much about this case and simply DO NOT UNDERSTAND how so many people still think she’s guilty. Maybe it’s because I lived in Italy and can totally imagine how convoluted the entire justice system is. Italy has had like 60 governments since WWII. Only one Italian government has lasted a full five-year term