
Feel free to dismiss the rape apologist if you’d like!

Commas are your friends.

Maybe the victim impact statements can help otherwise clueless idiots who think women make this shit up, and who believe “how bad can it be, it’s just sex” understand that it can devastate someone for the remainder of their lives.

About 15 years ago a friend and classmate was raped while studying abroad. She went through hell personally...she kept it secret from all of us, telling only a watered down version that a man grabbed and kissed her — we were all so horrified at that and told her how sorry we were that that had happened. A few months

This is what makes me so crazy about the “Why would any real rape victim refuse to report the rape to the police?” narrative. The most probable result of reporting a rape to the police is that the victim will be grilled for hours about whether she wanted it, whether she said she didn’t want it enough times and

Well hell, the Stanford guy was caught in the act and chased down and he got six months. I really don’t think there’s a situation where it’s “rapey enough” for the authorities.

“The plan also calls for better enforcing of the 2008 Mental Health Parity Act, which directed that insurance providers cover mental health and substance abuse treatments the same way they do medical and surgical ones.”

Exactly! In one interview Parker stated that since he has a wife and daughters he now thinks about women as people (or something to that effect). I kept thinking “Why does it actually take marriage and fatherhood to make you recognize a woman as person ?” It seems like he only recognizes females if they relate to him

If anything, this saga shows that he’s not at all different from the vast majority of men because pretty much any man, particularly a young man, is capable of rape in similar circumstances.

I remember having a house party at my parents house when I was fifteen. My parents were away and alcohol was available and this one girl had way to much to drink and had passed out on the couch. No one messed with her except this one fucker who I caught grabbing her breast under her shirt while she was clearly passed

Hey dingus, I knew what consent was at 14.

He should feel at least guilty for her dead and ashamed for raping her.

Sir, you are 36 years old. If you don't have the concept of consent down by now, it's because you don't want to.

His face looks so punchable.

The victim has been dead 4 years, and she's just reporting now? Very suspicious.

My sister just told me that he BROUGHT HIS DAUGHTER ALONG to the Variety interview and then objected to the questions about the rape pointing out that he couldn’t talk about it in front of his daughter.

Don’t ever listen to Kurt Metzger. Don’t give him the views, don’t give him the attention, relegate him to the anonymity and lack of attention that he so much deserves. He’s a troll and he feeds off this shit.

“The timing.”

The timing ...

Judge Persky has disrespected the victim, the jury, past, present, and future rape victims, and the law.