
Remember, he’s not an athlete who made a mistake: he’s a criminal who can swim.

2016 America: Where a 12-year old boy is shot and killed by the police for playing with a toy and it’s his fault because he should have “known” that people would see him as a threat, while a full-grown adult who rapes an unconscious woman and tries to flee should only have to endure a couple months of jail because

The bill would have prevented people with restraining orders taken out against them from procuring firearms. In order to get a restraining order taken out against someone, the person angling for the order has to provide the judge with enough reasonable proof that the person would harm them if in close enough

I thought they were waiting for Count Blackula to leave the White House so they could nominate someone who would outlaw women forever.


I always knew god hated socialists.

“And when I got in my truck, you know, I was so proud, because I felt like I finally drew a line in the sand and stood up for what I believed.”

If you read their more in depth interviews, a lot of the rationale behind the organization is that there’s ample data showing that women, POC, and LGBT politicians have by far the best record of actually getting progressive things done once they are in office. Thus if you are a straight, white, male who actually wants

Persecution complex. Some people can make any institutional change they don’t rather or any piddly little slight against them into a Holocaust.

What’s wrong with white men using their privilege for just purposes? There’s nothing wrong with diversity initiatives created and managed by POC, nor is there anything wrong with diversity initiatives where white men pressure each other to consider the issue. We need all hands on deck to counter underrepresentation of

Hey, here’s a great idea. Let’s round up all the white males, enslave and starve them, then exterminate them en masse with gas chambers and concentration camps.

I so relate to this.

As I underdtand the te si precedent that protects medical workers with deeply held convictions about abortion from being forced to do something contrary to their convictions. That precedent is usually used by anti-choice doctors buy the language applies so that pro-choice doctors can use those protections too, like in

Remember that whole “they hate us for our freedom?” Yeah, that’s what’s actually happening here. If fear of violence dissuades people from doing or speaking about abortion, their violence is working and is curtailing our freedom.

I thought that part was great moment of many throughout the night. His steadfast perseverance throughout his entire routine in one of the harshest rooms I have ever seen was nothing short of astonishing. I could not believe he decided to go anti-comedy on them when he was already 15 minutes in and they were not

Larry understood the exclusivity of the word, greeting, black-on-black usage and setting. It was perfect. I would not have. I get it. I’ll just reiterate this: 400 years of white supremacy and enslavement, and jim crow, and redlining, and predatory banking, and bad and underfunded schools, and so much systemic racism,

I can’t think about Piers Morgan without thinking about an article from The Guardian detailing how not to get Norovirus. The whole article is quite funny, but this is the most apt description of Piers ever:

“How DARE you make me feel uncomfortable, black people!”

This is what Chris Rock’s Oscar monologue should have been imho. He kept it 100.