
That’s the joke.

Maybe the reason he’s pissed off is he’s not being pissed on?

In several Key States the difference between Trump and Hillary was lower(in some cases far lower) than the number of people who voted Stein.

I have had multiple dreams where OUR ACTUAL REALITY is just a nightmare and I just laugh it off or tell people that I had the funniest dream that not only did this man win a primary (hahaha??) but that he won the general (LOL WHAT).

Last week, my therapist pointed out to me that pilots have to have a psych evaluation because they hold so many lives in their hands. She is a firm believer (as am I) that a psych evaluation by an independent evaluator should be required for presidential candidates, since the gravity of their job surpasses that of a

The doctor recanted the medical testimony since it was based on a now debunked method. There was no additional trauma.

Her family, particularly her father, had pressured her to fabricate the story precisely because they were upset by Ramirez coming out as gay. Her father hoped these charges would enable him to win a custody battle.

I watched the SNL cold open from this Saturday where Jason Sudekis comes on as Mitt Romney and I was genuinely taken aback because my first thought was that Romney didn’t seem so bad after all. After the last election I NEVER thought I’d look at Romney as a reasonable and preferable option.

I’m starting to get sick of the nice guy Obama bs. He wasted most of his first year trying to kumbaya with the right and now he’s being nice again. Just stop! No one who hates you is changing their minds. You know this IS the apocalypse. He needs to be trying to fuck this guy up during the next 2 months. Get a special

Democrats play by the rules, it’s our biggest weakness.

It’s a classically Trump style of ignorance (also common in his base) to forget that other countries don’t need our permission to do business with each other.

If you would have told me A few years ago that the phrase “Mitt Romney being considered for Secretary of State” would be comforting I would have laughed in your face. But here we are. Here we are

An alabaster-white American with power in a time of slavery!

At the WH Correspondents’ Dinner in ’15, Obama was saying that he and Joe have gotten to be such good friends that some places in Indiana won’t even serve them pizza anymore. ;)

It’s almost as if he doesn’t really respect women.

It is very hard for a regular ass girl to be believed, also it is very hard for a regular ass wife, a regular ass daughter, a regular ass girlfriend, a regular ass grandma, curiously, men who are arses are well believed.

I’m from Mississippi. I assumed this in general misery was normal. I just moved to Washington and cried when I found out I could vote by mail. I’m never going back and fuck that state and fuck Phil Bryant (which is what I should have said to his dirty little rat face in that airport three years ago).

Her social media team is awesome. And quick.

Years ago when the world was young I had a (married) boss who showed up at my apartment one night, drunk as a lord, eager to relieve me of the burden of not ever having had sex with him. He had been out with some of the other engineers that night, and they’d gotten to talking about me, and he thought he’d just stop by.