
OP said camera lenses can be male-gazey. This is a perfect application of OP’s statement. If going into someone’s face to shoot them against their will isn’t male-gazey-rapeish, I don’t know what is.

He said “we paid for you” and also didn’t respond to her “stop” and “no.” Maybe it sounds very radical fem but camera lens can be male gazey and with the non consent here this feels kind of rapey (no, that doesn’t undermine actual rape...this is a different degree but in my understanding there is a spectrum of

Ever think about how it’s 2016 and we still can’t shake the belief that people are a commodity?

Dude, you paid for a movie ticket/cable and received a movie/tv show. End of contract.

People have remarked on the lack of comments - personally, as someone who has written, published and advocated on transgender issues (particularly around transwomen and violence, particularly police assults), it feels like you’re screaming into a void. People nod, they agree and empathise, but then they don’t do

“I watched as fear invaded my father’s eyes—this man who was never afraid of anything. I heard his voice tremble as he stood in the living room and said, ‘I don’t know where I am,”

Speaking as a non-white person, fuck Ronald Reagan. I’m sure non-straights feel the same way but will allow them to speak on their own behalf.

My daughter saw that story and was like “So wait ... a bunch of MALE COPS went into the women’s restroom to kick her out?”

“LOOK WHAT YOU MADE ME DO!” while the child’s broken and bleeding on the ground.

“I have been physically abused, and I believe all of this is emotional abuse. Ariel should ask herself, ‘has Ariel ever raised a hand to her mother? Has Ariel ever done anything she’s ashamed of to her mother?’”

What a piece of work.

“I have been physically abused, and I believe all of this is emotional abuse. Ariel should ask herself, ‘has Ariel ever raised a hand to her mother? Has Ariel ever done anything she’s ashamed of to her mother?’”

Poor thing. Her mother sounds like a terrible narcissist.

Aaaaaaaaand this is why she’s estranged.

aaa ha ha ha ha ha haaaaaaa its good to be an Atheist. Not that I ever read the Bible as a scifi book.

Well, at least I’m glad you’re not really that sadistic but believe it or not $500 is not just available for everybody at every time. And speaking from the personal experience of somebody who’s been in a holding cell for a relatively short time, and only required someone over 21 to sign me out( I was 19 at the time),

Not that we should be any more accepting of a high death rate in prison, but we’re talking about JAIL here. We’re talking about people waiting to be released on bail who have not been convicted of a crime.

You cannot be fucking serious. She doesn’t deserve to be mad because she didn’t/couldn’t bail her daughter out of jail? You must be one of those wackos who don’t believe that it’s a part of law enforcements job to keep people alive. I hope the next time you exceed the speed limit a cop shoots you in the head.