
She is 100% a down ass bitch

Is the secret rape?


I love her.

Sucks to suck, asshole.

Well this is some bullshit.

I just get salty over how psychiatry gets so hated on, more than other specialties, and I feel like that contributes to stigma of mental illness/that fact that there are so many people out there not getting the help they need.

I literally copy pasted what you wrote. If you aren’t communicating what you meant, that’s not my fault. But I’m responding to the words as written

Nice backpedalling. Here’s what you said:


The history of medicine is fucked up. That doesn't mean it should be ignored entirely

your bias is showing

Medicine is always decades behind bench research. It has nothing to do with turning a profit, it has more to do with making sure that pharmaceuticals are safe.

Just for the record I have to say that we don't know why every drug works. Sometimes we just know that it does, and we evaluate the risks and rewards and go from there. You have to take into account that we are dealing with a disorder of the brain - which is the part of the body that is arguably the most complex, and

I love you

I hope it’s okay if I steal this because it’s goddamn hilarious

Yup I get that. Or the opposite "ooo that explains it" Like are you fucking kidding me?

I'm an only.

Cool now I hate my generation. Seriously what's with all this prudish bullshit?

That's true... it's not like these types have ever shown any amount of compassion towards the mother or baby after it's born.