
I'm literally studying for an exam on repro physiology that's tomorrow and I can't wrap my head around how the hell they think this is possible. What?????

I don't buy than non-medical people have any fucking idea what is necessary information for a physician to know.

Wow.... talk about small gov't and less regulation!

If Netflix ends up beating sex I will hate all of you forever

Yeah that was bullshit IMO. You can't say you want a dialogue then shut down when a group approaches you in a public place and offers that dialogue. That's pretty shitty and makes you look like you are just wanted to scream outrage and shut down a group for no good reason and you aren't willing to actually do anything

For real though, I don't think that's what the article is saying - I think she did a good job at presenting all sides of the story and it was a lot less biased that what I was expected. I hardly got - rugby is horrible and so is everyone who plays it from it. However, a lot of these comments do seem very over zealous

I wish all the ladiessss were sheep in the grass.....

I would happily take a shot with you any day of the week

It's all good girl

I'm not trying to shrug it off though - it's not like I said well I sang it and everyone else sang it so it's fine and fuck anyone who disagrees with me. What I'm saying is that I love rugby, rugby made me a better person, a better woman, a better feminist to be honest and I'm honestly ambivalent about the

I'm not trying to shrug it off though - it's not like I said well I sang it and everyone else sang it so it's fine and fuck anyone who disagrees with me. What I'm saying is that I love rugby, rugby made me a better person, a better woman, a better feminist to be honest and I'm honestly ambivalent about the

I'm not trying to shrug it off though - it's not like I said well I sang it and everyone else sang it so it's fine and fuck anyone who disagrees with me. What I'm saying is that I love rugby, rugby made me a better person, a better woman, a better feminist to be honest and I'm honestly ambivalent about the activities

Yeah that's by fair the ranchy-est.....

I put my hand upon her toe, Ya Ho! Ya Ho!

Maybe keep reading and see why? Idk, sounds like a personal problem, and just insulting me isn't exactly the best look

Exactly, it's hard to explain the amount of love I have for my teammates (the boys and the girls team) I consider them like family. I appreciate your words :)

Oh boy.

Hey Yoga MD - Is this something you notice at work/in your education? I've had this happen a lot more to me online than IRL, but I do kinda wonder about this stuff during rotations or residency. Medicine is so hierarchy based that I hope male med students wouldn't pull this nonsense on like a female resident or

Last time I checked you can't prove a negative....