
To be perfectly honest I wouldn't care if hubby had a tinder because of the idea of looking. I told him he can't have one because other people can see it and I don't want to have to deal with some of my friends seeing him on there and then thinking that he's cheating or just generally making things awkward.

You could also throw poop on their houses and make them dance to dubstep. Tone make a huge difference. Brightly colored silly violence is way different than this school shooter-y type darkness.

I don't necessarily think it's wrong to have the player to horrible things to civilians in games (see everything I did in Spec Ops *shudder*). But this takes to an extreme and I don't really see the point of it. Are the creators just trying to make something that they know will piss people off in order to get

My brain is all IgG, IgM, CTL, NK, CDT blah blah blah blah

this is what happens when I don't want to study immuno rofl

Unfortunately, it's always those kids who NEED to attend more than anyone else!

I don't understand the pearl clutching about social justice


When I'm at school it's vagina

Dear god please let this happen

burn them. duh.

Right??? Brillant

You know I've scrolled past this about 3 times before finally breaking down and reading it. So happy I finally clicked on it. I'm laughing so hard my stomach hurts. This is fantastic

10/10 would read again

Wow. My heart really goes out to him and his wife. Seriously they seem like awesome freaking parents. All the feels.

toxoplasmosis dude.

Godfucking dammit. Seriously, if she's lying I hope she understands how much she has really fucked over other survivors. Just more fuel to the fire towards those who believe we are just a bunch of lying sluts. Dammit Dammit Dammit

That's exactly how date rape drugs work. Alcohol is the most common date rape drug. If she was blacked out drunk she could not have given consent and it therefore was rape. She likely retracted her complaint because she realized that there was no way you were going to prosecute. Dear god man.


Jaime is a fucking champ. All hail Jaime.