huh. not sure why you bothered with excel because you really could have done that math on your phone.
Interesting article.
I noticed that too. Good for her.
this is so fucking adorable
All I want to do is take a field trip to Norman High and start punching administrators in the face. I'm not a violent person but jesus fucking christ.
in in in in in in in
I think I'm going to be sick
Thank you for this. You verbalized exactly how I was feeling when I was raped. It's just... wow. That was very freeing for me to read, so thank you.
I thought the same thing
I was just thinking that same thing
I could stare at that ass for hours
you can find patterns in anything...
wat is this from??
Get those girls away from her. Seriously, and someone start and therapy fund
I rolled my eyes when I saw this headline, but looking at the picture. I love it. Seriously, and it's not the fact that she has an awesome body - it's her facial expression. She looks genuinely happy. That's not something I see a lot in print, and it's truly lovely. Kim you da real MVP
Chelsea, you da real MVP
Soooo go for the balls and if that doesn't work punch him in the face? I like this option