Honestly I feel like my husband would be more than okay with me kissing random people to troll the duggars...
Honestly I feel like my husband would be more than okay with me kissing random people to troll the duggars...
Well cool. I just want to go punch stuff now
And by weird I mean stupidly racist
Goddammit Minneapolis. My home is so weird sometimes.
If anyone puts their hands around my throat without my explicit permission, they are getting cold cocked, or kicked in the nuts. Or both!
Ugh ugh ugh the girl at the end was so on point with the hair thing. I'm Sicilian and have very very large, traditionally sicilian looking hair and I have people come up to me all the time and put their hands in it without asking. It's almost always white people too. Not even just men, women as well. Like seriously?
Why did I go look at the photos?
I'm 23. I voted. Everything I voted for lost. Fucking A.
Dat mansplaining. I'm sorry :(
Shitty pseudokink and no penis? Like what's the fucking point?
I got catcalled in rural North Dakota. I got catcalled in Minneapolis. I got catcalled in Memphis. I got cat called in rural Iowa. I get catcalled in Des Moines. IT DOESN'T FUCKING MATTER
I love her faces. Those are amazing. Also seriously fuck this guy. I've had some skin crawlingly creepy experiences with very attractive men.. it's almost like they think because they are attractive they can get away with treating women like garbage. NOT FROM THIS BITCH YOU WON'T
Men are such entitled shits...I can't believe they run shit in the world.
OMG.... this is amazing
If you are wearing blackface you are fucking racist
Actually it is a college's job to help protect students from sexual assault. Because title IX
Bear Force One?
Everything about that t-shirt is the fucking worst
He's so fucking Iowa I can't stand it. I kind of want to watch it now. Is it worth it?