
I think it's just because after 35 your risk for a child with down syndrome or other genetic defects goes up exponentially, so if you want to have more than one and have them spaced out, starting at 30 isn't a bad way to go. Not to like pressure you or anything, it's your body, do whatever the fuck you want with it.

What the fuck. I feel like this is a classic case of self defense

I would medically call this, common as fuck


Gamergate makes me sad as both a woman and a gamer. Seriously, no one is coming to take your fucking games away. The absolute "worst" that can happen is that some developers make some games that have more women, people of color, and sexual minorities. THAT'S IT! If you want to play big titty volleyball bitches 3000 no

I could fuck to this...

Ryan Stiles is just that much of a badass

And someone who requires convincing is not yet in a position to offer "affirmative" much less "enthusiastic" consent. That doesn't mean that the final experience is unsatisfying — but it does mean that initially one has to be coaxed out of one's comfort zone.

I have something for him

Yup. Definitely went through this phase in high school. Then I discovered feminism and realized that it was a stupid persona.

I don't know what it is about that particular line but dear god it gets me every time.


lol no it does not. It rhymes with targets

As a fellow Minnesotan I co-sign this. Really hope that the Star Trib apologizes for this bullshit.

"black on black crime" a phrase that will always set off my rage meter. Crime is almost always intraracial. And no one gives a damn about white on white crime so have a nice steaming cup of shut the fuck up.

Dude I need that

Lol i know right. I want to go there

I'm sorry but handjobs are not for grown ups. You want your knob yanked on? Do that shit on your own time, I'm not going to waste mine on something that does literally nothing for me. I asked Mr. Ruggerbabe about is lack of interest in hjs/bjs and he response was - Why would I do that when I can just fuck you?

You can't live in an ocean and not get wet...

Ok I reallllly want to see the actual debate