Da fuq. Although I can't really judge. Mr. Ruggerbabe once wore a pizza box to a party.
Da fuq. Although I can't really judge. Mr. Ruggerbabe once wore a pizza box to a party.
Fun fact: Mr. Ruggerbabe worked at this applebee's
Damn this is NOT typical sorority stuff at the house I was in. Initiation is 3 days of bonding time for the new girls were we go through the history and rituals. We only have one night were they stay overnight at the house but it's not manadatory. The "meanest" thing we do as bigs is buy them a whole bunch of candy…
This is amazing
I have every intention of using vagina and penis around my children. AND VULVA! Jesus christ I can't even tell you how many adults don't know the fucking difference between a vagina and a vulva. Not that complicated people.
YES I did play rugby!!! My back is too messed up for it these days, but I played in college.
As a queer chick who is married to a man... it sucks. I'm too dyke-y for the straights, and too much of a breeder for the gays. Bisexuality = where you love everyone, and everyone hates you.
Scumbag Mercutio lolol. I remember going back and reading R&J as an undergrad and the whole time I was like "whoaa there's lots of the sex innuendos in this"
That assignment isn't even that hard, it's like in the first fucking scene.
The fuck is this
Talk about tone deaf. Seriously who thought this shit would be a good idea? Also what is to be gained here? Last time I checked Obama is in his last term of presidency....
This shouldn't be shocking behavior. This is how mom's are supposed to act.
Oh my goodness. I had she even existed (stopped watching ANTM a long time ago) and I about cried when I saw her. My mom has vitiligo. It's refreshing to see someone with it in the media looking so beautiful.
The main detractor for OB/GYN that I'm hearing about from other students is the reputation of it being a toxic residency it terms of hours and in general personality of residents/attendings. It's seen as, for lack of a better word, bitchy. How much that actually correlates to real life I have no idea and sometimes I…
Lol I can feel myself in the transition already. Plus I'm at a DO school so we have OMM labs which equals feeling up your classmates. At the end of the day genitals are just another body part.
pretty sure diseased or funky is the rule rather than the exception.
I find the fact that she was (is?) a cutter very illuminating. People who self harm feel very dissociated from their body, they feel as though they have no real agency over their body and it's like they are sacrificing it for a better mental state. It's an extremely effective form of self regulation, but of course it…