
facial abuse does some pretty fucked up shit. I would suggest never looking at their stuff unless that is your specific kink. And even then... idk. I've always wondered how much of that is the actress really being distraught vs. acting. I'd like to believe that it's all an act but idk.

holy shit that's iggy? her face looks completely different

How much do you want to bet that Steven is getting a worthless degree and will end up living at home with his parents after he graduates?

Are you fucking kidding me? GODDAMIT

Goddammit. This gives me a major sad as a queer rugby player.

Put me down for team ex-catholic. Atheist now. 7 years of Catholic school under my belt

I know right. That line really threw me for a loop

Just because a medical condition is rare that means there's no way it happened? Are they stupid? Wait... yeah. Yeah they are

lololol that pic tho. Like are they assuming everytime a dude hugs a chick he's doing a pelvic thrust into her? Or that he's gonna pop a boner? Lol I swear conservative christians think about sex way more than secular folks. I have a hard time seeing hugs as sexual (unless butt touchies, but even then...)

Can you explain a sidehug to me. It sounds nutzo


Honestly I don't know how I would react if I came across a patient like that on rotations. First instinct would definitely be - omg don't fucking do that you idiot.

Was this the same sister's friend who had to go to the ER to get her stomach pumped because she swallowed too much cum?

fuck them.

It sure as shit is a disease when it's growing outside of the uterus!

Meh. Miscarriages are technically abortions.

Dear Women of Arizona:

Re: Slave Contracts

Right? Goddammit. Sick fucks using BDSM as an outlet to abuse coerced women? Fuck them.

Why the shit would anyone do this job? It seems difficult, dehumanizing, and pays like the crap. What is the benefit here??