
Yeah I think it's pretty standard (I graduated from high school in 09)

We had that too

I mean Jezebel also linked to the teen mom sex tape.... sooo not really seeing a fair comparision

Becoming a never nude seems like the best option

omg that is brillant. consider it stolen

Do you think that 32k is enough to for a procedure to pull his head out of his rectum?

I clicked the link. Damn I have no self control. Feel guilty now. :(

My question is what do you do if you know your drink is spiked? I'm guessing the police won't take you seriously. Do you just try and figure out who did it?

Not a practical one. Not every parent is equipped to homeschool. Or has the time. If it's a house where both parents work, what's supposed to happen? Someone quits their job? Yeah... not gonna happen.

Because that's super easy to just do

So do you guys think Jim is actually an asshole?

Where? This is high school, you can't just *do* that. First, you are underage so you don't really have rights. You don't have your own money to switch to a private school. You can't take out a loan without a cosigner. You would have to convince your parents to either cough up a significant amount of money to get you

Example A of how dress codes can be super sexist.

Why is it that cops are given more of the benefit of the doubt than an average citizen? They should be held to a higher standard than the rest of us, as it their job to uphold law and order - not a lower one!

i would also like to be free :(

First episode:

me too. then I realized this is my school computer... womp womp

lol do they not understand labia?

so like periods for 12-18 year old girls

omg. hug. this is me giving you an internet hug. I'm so sorry