
I took my husband's last name because it is incredibly awesome (it's a synonym for murder) and my birth name was quite boring. At the end of the day I was picking from my dad's name or my husbands (all hyphenating was out of the question with a name that's a violent verb), so I figured I'd just pick the one I liked

This episode is an accurate portrayal of what late term abortions look like.


Fact. Welcome to MN!!!!

I'm really glad I'm not the only one who got that vibe.

You actually deserve a gold star. I hope as a teacher you bring these concepts to young men especially.

trust me, it's photoshopped.

I love this comment and I love your username.

Fuck those guys. Seriously. Ugh

We all know that's fake

I don't think all nurses are stupid. RNs provide a very needed and difficult service. However, some NPs scare the crap out of me. I don't think they are necessarily stupid, but I think they don't know what they don't know and the push to give them independent practice seems like a recipe for disaster IMO.

that's so freakin awesome. I would have loved to watch him getting put in his place

lol truth. I was conceived while my mom was finishing her PhD. Super stress free time, right?

I also have similar measurements - a little bit taller and a little bit thinner, but yeah. I have the line backer shoulders as well - yay rugby. I don't really look pudgey, I look more built than anything else.

Doctors tend to LOVE swimming for cardio because it doesn't f up your joints like running does.

That was one of the few advantages of working crappy jobs in healthcare, they don't mess around if you are sick - you could endanger patient's lives so your ass is going home.

I'm 23 and I have that feeling too. I didn't get real internet (with streaming video and all that) until I was in middle school. Honestly, I love the internet, but I'm so glad I didn't have access to it when I was younger.

color me fucking shocked

Do they actually think we are that dumb?

Stupidly Expensive Rural Outdoor Wedding right here baby