
What defines a normal body? ugh this is stupid as hell

glad I wasn't the only one!

Thanks for all the suggestions guys! I'm still hungover from last night :/

No. I'm not trying to increase my tolerance. I'm just so used to drinking at college parties and not bars I have no idea what to order.

I'm going out tonight and i need suggestions for drinks I can order at a bar that have a high alcohol content but don't taste like it. I'm trying to figure out how to drink like a grown up

Seriously, fuck all the people who want to police rihanna's dress. She's a grown ass woman who happens to look amazing. So we can see her nipples, who give a shit. It's not like she can shoot lazers out of them.

Some of us don't actually want to get pregnant...

So is this a contest? Or...wut

Is anyone here from this area and could say more? Ugh this just makes me sick

I think that it's disingenuous to solely be preoccupied with the health problems of people who are overweight without taking into consideration the other side of the coin.

That's actually completely false. Our body needs some fat to function, and while excess fat storage can cause a whole host of problems, it doesn't always. You know what always causes problems though? Being underweight, like this model probably is (sans fake belly bump)

Can we deport him yet?

And stuff like this: 4 baptized 4 holy ghost 1 blind man seeing 1 lady healed of cancer 10 miracles in 1 service!

this is the type of shit she posts:


That's fucking amazing

My goal is to be in the 150 to 160 range. I'm down from 190 so... progress? At my absolute thinnest (which was when I had disordered eating) was 120 and I was a size 2. Which was NOT fucking healthy and I should not weight that much ever again. I could have been a straight size model, but I'm very happy I didn't

custody disputes aren't about "fairness" for parents. They are about what's best for kids. Divorces are hard as shit on kids and the reigning theory is that they should have as much stability as possible, which means that whoever was doing the most child rearing pre-divorce should continue to do so post-divorce.

Have you tried guest?

Those feels. I know them. Idk if everyone has a corner of their brain that says they are a worthless POS who is ugly/fat/a monster not worth of love, but I sure as shit do.