
The BMI is pretty much the worst scale ever , especially for anyone who is/was an athlete. When you take into account muscle mass it just is bullshit.

I graduated last year from a state school in the upper midwest.

That's dumb as hell. I went to catholic high school as well and like half the people in my grade had naked baby pictures in our senior yearbook.

I have tattoos. I start medical school in August. SUCK ON THAT

omg!!!! that is the exact thing we had to wear for composite pictures at my sorority!!! and the only accessory we were allowed to wear was pearls because of course pearls. ugh. so dumb


I needed that. Thank you.

yes he did

Goddamn Independent. Not a greek. I should specify, I'm from the upper midwest where greek life is not taken anywhere close to as seriously as it is in other parts of the country. I use the term jokingly.

She has rolls on her stomach!! And thighs! Beautiful fucking thighs!! Gahhh! This makes me unreasonably happy

Excuse me while I go weep in a corner. I'm 5'10 and 180 and refuse to believe I'm fat. I WEAR A SIZE 10 JEAN!!! fuckkkkk


I know I'm just a stranger on the internet (who has some body issues herself) but I just want to say you are beautiful, these guys are literally the worst people, you don't need to lose weight, and you aren't used up.

shut the fuck up

Lol. Like half of every pledge class at my house were virgins themselves. Then half of those would eventually find a frat or GDI virgin boy and then stayed with them throughout college, got engaged their junior year, planned their wedding their senior year and got married after graduation and then went about their

Mr. Ruggerbabe's favorite phrase is "all guys are assholes". I think if he ever not all men'd me I would be convinced he was an alien imposter and punch him in the ballsack.

One thing I've noticed in heterosexual situations:

This is far and away the most disgusting thing I have ever read. I don't have anything to add, besides the fact that I would like to curl up in a ball and cry for the rest of the day


Real talk = I did not know that Rodriguez was that old. Girl looks like she's in her 20s.