
Toothless looks like my cat too!!!

Fuck that. I was pretty traumatized by physics.

I was so confused by that line... what does it even mean!!???

Logically this makes no sense. If they don't use birth control because they are leaving it up to god, why isn't fertility treatment a major no-no as well???

At minimum he should be forced to eat hot pockets every day until his butthole explodes

I would have rioted. You are talking about high school seniors with only a few weeks left of school. They already know where they are going next year, they just have to not fail their finals and then they are done with high school forever. And now you want to start enforcing a dress code and sending people home? Teens

But it's not fair!!!! My stupid fat girlfriend is getting way more action than me!!!

This is really a thing of a beauty. I'd love to hear from his sweet, supportive (and prolly smokin hot) girlfriend.

This is another "what were they thinking" moment for me with the writers. Jaime has shown such character development over the past seasons and all the sudden he's back to attempted child murderer level. Why? What does this accomplish? I felt the same way with the Drogo/Dany rape. What exactly was that supposed to

I honestly can't think of a social interaction with strangers where this thought HASN'T crossed my mind....

I remember this video we had to watch in driver's ed about road rage. It was a real news story where two cars were raging out at each other over something dumb, and they both pull over. Guy from the first car goes into this trunk, pulls out a crossbow and kills the driver from the second car. This is why I don't have

From MN, lived in ND for a long time and I have the exact same experience. I have rifles in my house but they are locked away and strictly for deer hunting/shooting range.

Maybe some of it is cultural. My entire family has guns because deer hunting is such a big deal in the North. No one would dream of using those guns on another human being, and they are always locked away in a safe place, only to come out for deer hunting season.

At my (MN) high school all students were given an address book with all the students enrolled in it. Pretty sure this is common practice, so that part isn't creepy. The letter is creepy and the idea is creepy, but most people know each other's addresses.

Are we the same person? A booty and long legs = everything looks sexual. While a pencil skirt looks "professional" on most of my friends, I look like Joan too. And I got in trouble at school for things being too short. UGH. I can't wait until I get my long white coat, at least then my ass will be covered lol.

Can we talk for a moment what kind of effect this has on kids later on? I'm in my twenties, I've been out of high school a long time and I still feel uncomfortable showing my shoulders in public because that was the rule. Am I the only one who internalized these rules and now feels bad about their body? Seriously I

Can I get yo numba?

Is it just me or do like more than half of these guys look gay?

Bingo. And body type makes a huge difference. I got a big ass. I could look provocative in a damn burka.