
That gif is everything


Hello Asa! Thank you for being willing to answer questions! I have a couple, but they go together so forgive me:

I just can't even deal with how cute these grandmas are.

I'm honestly not sure how I feel about the look. I don't love it, but I don't hate it either. But that's her persona, so I do "get" it.

yeah... we were like the fat drunks lols. God I hate sorority reputations, it's just a way for houses to sabotage each other during recruitment.

Rules about drugs and alcohol for sororities are fucking insane. Getting caught with booze in the house was a several hundred dollar fine for us and doing it more than one could get you kicked out so fast it would make your head spin.

Wow that's horrific. My sorority actually kind of got the reputation of the "fat" house because we had quite a few big girls. I loved it though, I would have never joined if I thought looks were that important to a house.

I bet you so much that the other kids don't give a single fuck. It's adults being uncomfortable and making WAYYY too big of a deal out of stuff.

Literally the first conversation in Romeo and Juliet (I'm not counting the intro sonnet) talks about sex. God that's hilarious.

Fucking context though....

concern troll is concerned.

Is it just me or does everything about this story scream MURICA?

Honestly, this was an essential part of getting same-sex marriage in MN. We got churches involved who WANTED to marry gay couples and felt like their religious freedom was being violated. It fucking worked too.

God he was really funny. Obviously he has good writers, but he succeeded at comic timing, which is just as important.

that's a really good and really scary point

University of North Dakota should probably be on this list as well. They are shitty at reporting. And half the time when things are reported, and they send out an SMS to the ENTIRE CAMPUS that somebody was raped in this location by {insert vague description} looking guy. I have no idea if the victims consent to that

Saint Ben's is basically the same thing as a co-ed school because Saint John's is right there.

Well I'm freaked out that WVSOM is on there. Now I feel glad that I turned down their interview invite.

Dat HIPAA tho