

You guys should check this out. Basically the whole fucking system is set up against young women

dammit i meant south asian. my bad


I've seen this type of behaviors from east Asian guys (specifically Indian) as well. Applying to med school I have seen a LOT of these types of guys. They always are super focused on "lifting brah" and seem to miss the fact that if they had any self respect and respect for women they might not have such a hard time


Thanks love. I've asked quite a few 3rd years and they all have gotten places they are happy with. Actually there are like one or two spots nearby the school that the student body gets to choose who gets them (usually it goes to someone who has health problems and needs to be close by their doctors or someone who just

I was moved by the fact that they SPECIFICALLY said that if someone can't consent that's rape. And that they used the word consent instead of "if she said no" because not consenting is so much broader than just no. No is not the only way to say you don't consent.

Yeah... I'm terrified of the match (I mean on the plus side I'm really only interested in psych so there's that). But what I'm really shitting myself over is 3rd year rotations. We own a house close by school. So if I don't land a year long rotation nearby, we are going to be so so screwed. They say something like 95%

I really don't think a lot of people understand that medical education pathway in many ways tries to beat the humanity out of it's student doctors. The level an minutia you are expected to know. Getting pimped. Gunners. Toxic residents and attendings. The soul crushing amount of debt. Lack of access to mental health

Yup. I know a lot of psychiatrists get frustrated by borderline pts being improperly diagnosed as bipolar.

On point. You and I are usually on the same page. I hope wif is good and not too stressed out lol

This is why doctors shouldn't talk to patients the same way they talk to other doctors. Dealing with death day in and day out ends up giving people a very black sense of humor. We all have to cope with shit someone, and to the outside world it may come across as insensitive.

I can't figure out how to dismiss either.

I think as a society, while we have been good about teaching people that rape is bad, we haven't been good about teaching people what rape is. So while I've heard a thousand times people say they would never let someone be raped.... it doesn't tend to work out that way

I'll toss in a bottle of booze

These seem like common sense requirements/ideas. Thumbs up Obeezy

I saw this on my facebook as well. Why in the fucking world is anyone giving Bey shit for singing about wanting to have sex with her husband. She's making marriage sexy. Um, isn't that exactly what a good role model does?? Clearly Bill wants more black women to get hitched and have kids instead of having kids out of

FYI, their fries aren't vegan. Just so you know-(idk if you go that far are not, but just putting it out there)

Small liberal arts schools FTW. I loved that particular aspect of my first school, but the pricetag was just two huge to stomach.