
Yes, thank Odin Mr. ruggerbabe is a chemical engineer and makes good money/is able to help keep my student loans at a reasonable amount. Where I am going to med school (starting in august- eek!) is only 4 hours from the majority of both of our family, so that's super helpful just in general. I'd obviously like to

Interesting... I'm married and we have talked about trying to get me knocked up during 3rd/4th year of med school. Everyone says there is no "right time" but I have a feeling some times are less shitty than others lol

This is probably super inapprops but I'm going to ask it anyways

Shoot, at mr. ruggerbabe's house "fratboy shenanigans" was code for swinging from the tire swing in front of the house nekked. This is some fucked up sadistic gang shit

I fucking hate dry campuses. People don't realize how much safer it is to just have a wet campus. I did both and in the wet campus I was able to drink in my dorm with my friends that I trusted. No worry about how I was going to get home sober, no worry about getting some creeper to buy me booze (the dorms had people

Is it just me or does she have a freakishly small torso here. I'm talking about the length, it just doesn't seem to match the rest of her body.

There should be like a etsy for used panty sales. I would totally sell off my used panties, shit I'd even diddle myself in them first. I just don't want to show any images of myself or put in any real work. Is there a way I can live my dream of making really easy money??

Legally, I think Chase can do this.

"I'm the one who doesn't show up to shit because its pointless and when I do, I sneak out like two hours in when important people aren't looking. "

Chiropractors should not be put in the same sentence as dermatologists or urologists. Dermatologists and urologists are medical doctors. They actually are part of two of the most competitive medical specialties. Chiropractors are not medical doctors, they are chiropractors.

I just want to put this out there (and yes I'm not a parent yet) but I'm team cloth diaper. If I have the patience for that shit I'm totally cloth diapering mini ruggerbabes. I was cloth diapered, my husband was cloth diapered, jesus probably was cloth diapered. Cloth FTW

69. I like toytles

Is there a way to force someone to recuse themselves? I mean if it is a conflict of interest, there should be a way to regulate that shit, right? Checks and balances

journalism FTW

Interesting... My parents (both licensed marriage and family psychologists) do the pre-martial counseling shit for their Catholic church. And they don't ever talk about birth control or anything like that. It's just regular compatibility/relationship stuff. What your sissy is doing has to be per their padre, because

Wait, so you guys didn't get your IUDs put in by a sweaty teenage boy at 7-11? Damn... Prolly should get that checked out

BREAKING: Cats just don't give a fuck.

I lost it at queef.

You clearly just don't understand how miscarriages work. They are extremely common. Especially if you want to include pregnancies where attachment doesn't occur, then most women will have a miscarriage at some point in their life. And for the most part, there is no way of telling exactly why a miscarriage happened.