Also you missed like the entire first half of Yoho... not sure if that was purposefully excluded or what
Also you missed like the entire first half of Yoho... not sure if that was purposefully excluded or what
Okay ya'll know those are pretty common songs right... they weren't written by anyone in this frat, and they didn't even originate from Pi Tau. I've heard them probably thousand times by different groups from different campuses around the country.
I don't even really like boys, but that middle guy has REALLY nice thighs
I could kiss her for that creep stare. That was executed to perfection.
Abortion care isn't really something that needs to be covered in depth in medical school. However if you want to learn there are options out there (Med Students for Choice is a good resource). You can always do an elective rotation at a clinic that does them. The main issue is the OB/Gyn residencies where training is…
Yikes. This all is a mess. Hearing his mother talk was just heartbreaking. I feel bad for the girl as well, yes obviously she should have fessed up, but she was 16 and 16 year olds don't always make the smartest decisions, especially when they are scared. If your dad comes into your room with a gun and is questioning…
Honestly when I go "the bars" downtown what I really mean is 1st Ave and the 90s. My secret shame is that 1) I now live in Iowa. and 2) I say I'm from Minneapolis, but really I'm from Orono
I love this so much. Also love to see my school represented. You rock that braid girlfriend
Can we all just take a second to appreciate the ginger kid drinking fireball. My hats off to you good sir
Sidenote: He ALWAYS calls it St. Jewish Park
I almost shat myself at the Totino-Grace joke. Fucking perfection.
Dude that is awesome. I would recommend going to whatever Ivy gives him a full ride (at least one of them has to right?)
So much rage. As a white girl with hair that isn't what would typically be considered "white" there is no way I would be able to keep it out of my face with these rules. Seriously what are military women supposed to do? Wear wigs?
Where is the point that both girls and boys have crazy ass hormones?
I start medical school in August. Please excuse me while I go weep in a corner.
If my butt is wrong I don't wanna be right
Absofuckinglutely. And I really don't feel one bit bad about mr. I had boner. Dude try having blood come out of your genitals during class and get all over your clothes because your HORMONES haven't quite aligned so you can't predict when menses is gonna hit the fan.
Omg people actually gave you shit for that? Hospital admins suck.
Bingo. People assume that non-profit status means that the company isn't out there to make money. Bullshit. The NFL is non-profit. Hats off to you for going to Harvard btw, that's impressive. I went to an ivy-ish school in the midwest lol