
I've been telling people this for years. Colleges don't give a flying fuck about the safety of their students. They care about attracting high schools kids to come to school there and give them money. Point blank period end of discussion.

Ok I just want to throw this out there to see whether or not I am just nutzo or what. We've been married for.. idk... 9 months now? And I'm still mad about something that happened at the wedding. (His aunt was a royal c word throughout the entire weekend to the point where her daughter apologized to me). She hasn't

Yup this is smart. I picked out cheap bridesmaids dresses so it wasn't that much of an issue, but Mr. ruggerbabe paid half of the cost for the groomsmen to have suits. Also: Suits. Way better than tuxes

I am like the luckiest person in the world and my mom's neighbor let me steal her beautiful yellow peonies for the bouquets. I shudder to think how much those would have cost if we had actually paid for them (ended up spending $50 (yes five zero) total on flowers for the entire wedding.

Whether they are for profit or not, schools exist on some level to make money, and having a reputation of a place where rape happens isn't exactly helpful when you are trying to attract the best and brightest young women. So better to silence the victims and shove it under the rug.

Dear god, I hope this woman is able to get some help. She sounds like a major suicide risk. :(

haha I'm having flashbacks of microbiology. Nice quiz

Ehh, this is going to change in the future. Med school competition is getting insane in the membrane. Having research experience is becoming the new hospital volunteering. You are right though, most practicing physicians don't do research. There really is no need for a primary care doc to do research. She should know

Having chickenpox as a kid makes you more likely to get shingles later in life, which is a really big deal. Having the vaccine protects you from shingles as well. Also there's the issue of coming into contact with other people as an adult who may have shingles or chicken pox. For example, one of the required

Fantastic. Another Mercola. Please someone take this woman's license away.

Hmm... Feels. I thought some of it was quite sweet - like the older lady with the gay guy. They seemed to have an actual moment. The younger Asian woman was really awkward though, maybe that was just because I'm not used to seeing young homophobes. And you are so pretty to be gay? God I hate when people say that to

So we are just ignoring the whole casting of first stone thing here? Alrighty then. Also I now have the urge to call myself a homo demon. Seriously, that sounds awesome as shit.

The vax thing kills me because it's not just "a personal choice" in the sense that it only affects you personally. It's a personal choice of not caring about other people and putting them at risk of serious diseases because of your own stupidity.

False. Rainbow dash is 20% cooler than Twilight Sparkle

Wow. I needed this, such a beautiful, uplifting moment. What an amazing young woman. Here's to hoping Pope Francis gives her a shout out at some point.

After doing some soul searching, I think it is important (at least for me) to forgive Mr. Phelps for what he has done to the gay community. Feel free to check out my article about it here:

My vagina sounds like Christian Bale from the batman movies!

Are you stupid?

My heart goes out to her and her family. Cancer sucks. Surgery sucks. Knowing there is a great chance your body may fight against you sucks. I hope her surgery goes well