
You gotta do what's right for you babe.

I'm conflicted. I hate those bracelets, but since when should boobies be censored?

So last time I checked, HIPPA was still a thing. So yeah. No way this is even close to legal

Honestly... I'm pretty okay with this. Go Porn CEO!

Nope, I'm queer. And I'm honestly tired as fuck of trying to get religious people to treat me with dignity and respect. At this point as long as your not an ass to my face, I'm just going to let it go.

Honestly I'd be okay with that. My bad experience was I had a dear friend who grew up Mormon, and then when she came out of the closet to her family they disowned her, and she was homeless for about a year.

This was lovely. Thank you for sharing. As someone who is going to be going to school with a lot of Mormons, I am looking forward to learning some more about the faith. However, I have had some negative experiences in the past, and hope the Mormon people I meet will be more accepting of LGBTQ people.

Ok seriously, if it's Christian it's not a real sorority IMO. If it's not Panhell or the Divine 9, you don't count. You do not pass go. You do not collect $200.

I'm not an expert on tattoos or anything, but a lot of these don't even look professionally done. Like, if I had as much money has he did, my tats would be nice looking.

It looks like the hollister symbol to me

Medical School is 4 years, not 3. Just an FYI


You know what else ruins lives you little turd? Rape

There is no way in hell this book is attracting someone from my age group.

So the pharmacy I go to keeps these bad boys (along with condoms, yeast infection meds, lube, and preggo tests) behind a locked door. Is that like... legal? Everytime I go, I keep wanting to say something, but I'm not sure what

Yes. There have been cases of people trying to sue because their kid didn't make it into an Ivy league school. Because it's gotta be the OB's fault, right?

It is absolutely better there (grew up in the cities)

I know that feel


hey thats me!