
As someone who lived in Grand Forks for several years, I must say, I am very happy to see her getting some recognition. As well as that maybe the rest of the states can realize that ND isn't just full of racist assholes, we've got badass old ladies who like to drink beer at Sioux games and shit all over nation chains.

Ugh. Seriously? Way to devalue people who actually have pain. I have severe back problems and take vicodin several times a day. Without it I can't put my clothes on in the morning. I can't even wipe my own ass.

Opposite as in... try to lose 1-2 lbs per week? Restrict calories and increase exercise in a manner that would be sustainable over a lifetime while developing a sense of what is healthy?

As some one who was bullied horribly in middle and high school, I would say you should reach out to them. I have never actually had any contact with my bullies/people who let it after high school, but if I did it would be extremely helpful for me. It would probably make my year actually

I didn't know about this story until just now - probably because North Dakota is basically the equivalent of Antarctica at the point. But seriously? I feel like no one took the time to talk to any trans people or medical professionals that work with trans people.


soo... is it racist if I were to say I think that black kids are the cutest? (also fat babies: SUPER adorable)

Nice job Rand. Way to completely ignore the fact that the number of female physicians actually practicing is still way lower than males, and that we tend to go into lower paying fields (hell-o primary care). Part of it has to do with women are just discouraged from pursuing highly specialized fields and the training

my understanding was that they recently made changes to duty hours again, and for the life of me I can't remember what the new rules are. I think it's kind of a tough balance, you don't want residents who are too tired to function, but at the same time you still want them to get the experience they need. I don't think

Outside of these commercials I have literally never heard any woman (or man) use "V" as a euphemism for vagina. Stop trying to make it a thing Summer's Eve

Can anyone on here suggest a fitness program that actually works then? I live in a rural area with no crossfit, and I do T25 at home. Good thing or bad thing?

Actually now that I think about it, on my campus SAE was part of what was known as the "sigma axis of evil" which was SAE, Sig Chi, and Sig Nu all in this little block. I refused to go to any prefs with them and would tell any and all freshman girls not to go near those houses. SAE was actually on total probation for

hmm for my school sig nu and sig chi where the rape frats. Although now that I think of it there was a pretty horrific incident that happened at SAE...

I so lost it at Merkin.

Yup. I'm stealing this joke forever.

I just wanna say that Phi Delt nationals does not give ONE SINGLE FUCK. The Phi Delt at my university was raided by the DEA and it turns out it was being used as a distribution center. Many of the guys were charged with felonies. 2 years after this, and they are an active colony on campus.

I see under armor

I just want to share with all of you my utter hatred for Liberty University. Not only do they have stupid code of conduct rules and ask stupid politicians to come and speak, they now have a medical school. Blargh

I don't really care what other people think about her, to be honest I don't think she cares too much either. I think she is an intelligent, down to earth human being who I would prolly get along with just fine IRL. Also she makes excellent gifs.

You forgot Rob Ford....