
Freakin A, Canadian santa is the bomb! Why do you guys get all the nice things?

North Face also works tho... That big ass puffy jacket that covers my bum = warm as hell. I don't care what the label is, I live in North Dakota and I don't want to freeze my nipples off.

The ending sucks donkey bunghole to me. Now she's a mom blah blah blah barf. I WANTED A 3SOME SEX SCENE DAMMIT

I'm sorry, but I should care about this why? Assholes are assholes, I honestly don't give a damn to hear them nationalize their behaviors.

SEE! Living in North Dakota does have it's perks!

:( bummers

If they are double boarded it should be no problem.

OB/Gyn also has a really bad rep for having horrible residencies - long hours, bitchy attendings, etc etc. I think it's super cool cuz wimmenz and also you get to do a wide variety of shit. Hope your wife enjoys IM! :)

Way to not know what the hell your talking about. This isn't physical med or psych. OB/Gyn is still primary care and all (I'm not trying to say it's on par with derm). But it's in no way a fall back specialty

Apparently I'm overweight guyz. Stupid BMI scale.

Good for you bro. Not very often do I see a sincere public apology and this is quite well done. I wish you well on your future endeavors. Also I hope you run for exec positions in the future, I think with your new found self awareness you could do a lot of good.

The biggest ive seen is a friend of mines. Black guy. Thing is literally the exact same size of an arizona tea can. its a monster


Are we related? Because that's EXACTLY how my family (from Canada/MN) works as well. Total matriarchy.

I'm not even mad. Honestly I just feel sad for her. Someone should tweet the number of a domestic violence center at her or something. Also why would you call yourself a whore? :(

Shawshank and the Green Mile are the best King adaptations by far.

Dear god do they not understand the concept of herd immunity?

No doctor is going to tell this woman that what she is doing is risky though. The rules of exercising while pregnant are as follows:

sounds like mr. ruggerbabe. He's pretty stoked about the idea of being a house hubby after I'm done with school/residency.

Brillant. I am coming up with a name for my mirena immediately.