
my bad my bad. i was thinking tubes tied not hystorectory.

technically an IUD is just as effective as a hysterectomy

The person (nurse practitioner) I see for my yearly well woman thing won't let me get Mirena (even tho I really want it!!), because I'm 21 and have never been pregnant. I'm in college in a small town and don't exactly have pick of the litter for finding someone to see :( Suggestions?

I have been looking over this thread trying to find the account of the guy that tried to rape me. I don't know if it would help or give me closure but i don't know... I tried to tell him, about a year after what happened, I tried to tell him what he did. He said he didn't apperciate me acting like he was some sort of

Not like on average Greek members donate more to charity than any other group on campus or anything. What's up with all this Greek hate? You just jelly you didn't get a bid or something?

Are you stupid? There are black sororities, native american sororities, hispanic sororities. Get your facts right before making dumb ass comments.

Problem is recruitment is in like a month and it takes like a freakin month to go through the process of interviews/elections/etc. It's not like someone can just step in. IMO she never should have taken one of the biggest positions in her house if she thought she would have to quit.

Can I just say as a sorority girl, she actually fucked her sisters over hard core. It's the middle of summer, recruitment is only a few months away, but work week (where you teach all of the new girls how to actually do recruitment) is only weeks away. So now another officer has to step in her place and take on that


i'd read that.

call me maybe?

DOCTOR WHO BABY SHOWER?! Sooo Jelly now I have to tell whoever is hosting my bridal shower they must do this.

we had a PNM bring a children's book to the first day of rush because our philantropy is literacy...

Out of house fees are not that expensive chill out. its like a couple hundo a semester and you still get all the food you can eat, a place to crash when ur drunk, use of house wifi etc etc.

I live in North Dakota... if we did recruitment in the winter there would be at least 10 PNMs with broken legs hobbling around because they just had to wear heels during the first day of recruitment during a snow storm.

ughhh.... don't be the creeper PNM that already knows the house's founders/philantrophy/mascot/unofficial mascot/door code...