
Hmm, elitist low production? Apply a vacuum to a phallus. I’d have a Z06 as well

This limited production BS is why Ford will never challenge the Corvette, leaving a gaping void in the selection of American GT cars. Dont get me wrong, I love the GT, amazing story. Anything that sticks it to Ferrari is good in my book. That said, Ford still needs something to go toe-to-toe with the Corvette and

“Live brisket” lol. mmm... Brisket... It is its own food group here. Get my rope.

I just want the ‘87 Suburban with the rear roof from an old K5 Blazer for the detachable top. Resto-mod it, not to ICON 4x4 luxury standards, but better than stock. Tube steel/aluminum roof rack (over the fixed bit) for decking/rooftop tent/etc. That would make me happy.

Saw these in the ‘Stan all the time. The guys called them “Haji Harley’s”

I’ve worked at two GM lots and gotten to tinker with many models from 2012 through 2015, and the Avalance always baffled me. It is an interesting concept, but I wouldn’t want to live with it. I am about to replace the weatherstripping on my trusty ‘02 Silverado LS (4x2, 4.8L, ext cab.), named Atlas, and I would hate

That is what a truck is supposed to look and sound like!

I was amused at the official hashtag for the “illustrious event”. “#KYderby” No shit. Best case, the collenctive noses of the derby folk were turned downward enough for a good ol’ fashioned dirty joke. Worst case, a failed attempt at being hip. Personally I find it hilarious and call it a win. Once the KY contract is

I would have scoffed at this a from childhood through college, but after hearing James May comment to this effect about 3 years ago, i can appreciate it. So the real answer to “what is the fastest car on earth?” is always “a rental car."

Viva Town Lake!

I do miss those days... I was ROTC, and we were both smoked and spoiled by the terrain when running, i still seek out hills because of that place. My favorite thing was to run by the underclassmen dorms in formation blasting out cadences at 0530

As is tradition! Tailgating and floating were always bigger that the actual sporting events. When I got there, there was a shirt in the bookstore that resembled all the official sports shirts but had a tube on it and read “floating"

‘Merica!! Lets have a repeat of ‘66!

these .gifs rule!!

the worst of both worlds... I wonder how all these issues bamboozling Austin are affecting ol’ San Marcos? Like the old country song said, let the ‘horns and aggies have their rivalry, us Bobcats are just chillin’ with 0FG

Good bit, & good to see Bunny again. Kevin Bacon has been riding my Lego quad for about a year now.

Had to use the UK page...

A side effect of the “fast-selling” -ness. Bigger population yields a bigger sample of asshats, imbeciles, idiots, etc.