
Mark of shame? Nay! A mark of “GTFO of my way!"

I’ll bet it comes down to rear axle configuration. I’ve seen SRW with and without, but don’t recall ever seeing a DRW without them

It didn’t sell while it sat on the block, they rolled it off unsold and a deal was made later in the day. pretty anticlimactic.

My new mistress, one of the last few in the country (down to single digits if you specify color, etc). I went 4 states out of my way while I was an ocean plus another continent away to lock her down.  I'm enjoying every single rev.

Is is just me, and my haphazardly adjusted google feed, or does this year’s TT seem to be getting a conspicuously more bad press? I hope it doesnt come back to bite the sport in the ass...

Yep. El Paso to Ft. Leonard Wood, MO... just under 24 hours. proud that I pulled it off, wouldn’t try it again.

Most of TX is posted 80, from San Antonio to El Paso, the rest does 80 anyway. Stop at Chico’s Taco’s in El Paso, or no-balls! All Mexican food desires can be slaked in EP, it’s cute how Austin tires though.

get it past one state, and then its easier to get into the rest. transfer vs. whole new process

I would like to know more about the process to facilitate my own unrelated shenanigans

Has there been any further word on the disposition of a property? I’ll have to get ahold of Copart. Just an Army Engineer specializing in “Horizontal Construction”... asking for a friend.

Ask me about the time I took a convoy of 3 HMMWVs down highway 101...

the drivetrain is designed to drag itself home if its entire ass is blown off.

Any info on basic parts? lights, mirrors, etc? How easy are they to find/buy?

I had the pleasure of taking 3 of them down the 101 in CA... we got passed by everything... hippie-mobiles, 18 wheelers, the lot. we didnt take the tank trail back because somebody wanted to “get back in time for chow” which turned out to be old catfood.

I am a Texan, I have been called an idiot, but even I can drive in the snow... Lol

A couple of my originals:

I love my Deep Impact Blue

The only problem I have with Corvettes is that I do not yet own one...

One more just occurred to me, How is the back seat on the “Supercab”? Legroom, general functionality, window operation, etc?