I'm just as upset. It's like...Toei do you realize that they didn't style the first Sailor Moon after the manga cause IT WOULDN'T LOOK GOOD WHEN ANIMATED??? Why would you do that to such an iconic series??
I'm just as upset. It's like...Toei do you realize that they didn't style the first Sailor Moon after the manga cause IT WOULDN'T LOOK GOOD WHEN ANIMATED??? Why would you do that to such an iconic series??
Have you SEEN Utada's obsession with Kuma-chang? I mean, besides make a song about a bear, she even put on a bear suit and walked around EMI stuidos just for kicks!
Isn't that bird chirp SFX the same one they use in Ocarina of Time?
Here, here!
I demoed this game at E3, and all I gotta say is thank GAWD I don't have work on Tuesday!
That line for the 3DS booth was RIDICULOUS!
I was in the line for 30 minutes and only moved 5 feet. That's when I heard one of the booth girls saying each "round" was 10 minutes long. I left in hopes that I get there early enough tomorrow to try again. (I want a Luigi hat!)
Spoiler alert?
What difference does it make that the cosplayer doesn't match the gender (and while we're at it: color, body type, ethnicity, etc.) of the character or not? They obviously do it because they like the character and enjoy the act, and it's not only for the benefit of the viewer. This shouldn't be an issue. Period.
I couldn't stand proms, and I never had a boyfriend either. I ended up going to Senior prom just to do something out of the classroom with my peers before graduating. Ended up enjoying it a bit because all I did was play DDR and Karaoke since no one really approached the machines. Singing shamelessly to 90s boy band…
Yeah, they definitely look closed. Her top eyelid fold is very prominent, so it could look like it's open.
E3 2011 was a real letdown for me compared to the year before, too many FPSs and not a lot of playable demos or NEW demos. And I love going to GDC but I never have the funds for it when the time comes around. (I'm still trying to find a time to go to PAX).
Shoot! I should have that Season 2 Digivice SOMEWHERE in my garage!!
They seem to be limiting the amount of entries more and more every year. I also went as an AI student in 2010 without a hitch, but when I registered as a Square employee in 2011, I got rejected right away before having to make a phone call to explain myself. The man on the phone kept stressing that the position you…
You and I both. I get some deadpan stares when I mention that to my peers.
Nothing else will give me chills like the concert version of Aerith's Theme!
Where did you hear that it was cancelled? Last I heard, Team ICO was looking to partner with other studios to make Last Guardian happen faster.
It also greatly bothers me when it's obvious that the parent's know nothing about the media they are buying their young children.
My beef with some DLCs is when it's obvious that it was originally part of the main game, but was decided to be separated to create revenue.
(Paper Man isn't Pixar.) But still amazing nonetheless.