Geez...I have a big problem with leaving games unfinished/untouched. (And whatever games I've actually finished this year did not RELEASE this year...) But this is all I got with this year's releases:
Geez...I have a big problem with leaving games unfinished/untouched. (And whatever games I've actually finished this year did not RELEASE this year...) But this is all I got with this year's releases:
Ugh! I know right!?
I can't agree running the first time through Journey alone, if only for the amazing journey I had the pleasure to experience with my partner.
If it does maintain this level of comedy, I will very much entertain the thought of watching it.
My inner grammar nazi is seething with rage!
Is it hard to imagine that there finally exists a game that has engaged a large number of people visually and emotionally?
Got a car emergency kit, Ralph Lauren perfume, much needed car MP3 radio, fuzzy PJs and a couple of Sailor Moon shirts (oh, the nostalgia~).
I still can't get over how unflattering Lightning's outfit is. I can't even begin to list the things that make me cringe as I watch the trailer and how the outfit moves.
I'm also on the disbelief wagon. The LARGEST complaint from that game and it looks like they didn't even ATTEMPT to do anything about it? Crossing my fingers that I'm proven wrong.
Ugh, that damn triangle!! It basically turned the battle system into a button-masher and I was upset at how less challenging the fights were when all you had to do was wait for that triangle icon to appear and let the cutscenes do the work for you. Why mess with a good game!?
And I LOVE the pile of branches and twigs you dive into while in the Frontier.
Glassy eyes with that type of figure!??!
I cannot STAND 13's battle system! Much too easy and button-mashy for my taste.
Is the simple answer "they just like Link more than Zelda" enough for you?
...No one said it wasn't the real thing.
Phew. Okay I thought I was the only one who spent a ridiculous amount of time on this sequence.
Are you replying to the correct comment?
Ubisoft has emphasized that future games don't necessarily HAVE TO progress toward modern times. Because of the nature of the storyline, they are free to roam around history at any point in time. We've just yet to see it.
Yes, this couple have done the characters justice and it amazes me how much detail and dedication have gone into making these characters come to life.
Why would they think they could publish a game without permission from its copyright holders?