Rueful Countenance

Probably inspired by rather than ripped off for Lord of the Flies since that was a situation created by happenstance, and the children don’t *have* to kill each other like they do in the later ones.

Pop Pop!

I liked The Gray Man to be honest, clichéd as it is.

Dani Dani Rojas (Cristo Fernandez) was the barman at the end of No Way Home.

I hope it’s a deliberate running joke that AFC Richmond players turn up in tiny post-credit cameos in the MCU.

I think it’s only first because of the whole Flash / Ezra Miller farrago.

Ok of those I've seen The Room and it's pretty bad but nothing I've heard burns me up like "Honest to blog" with the bonus that it is in a competently made film, not a SyFy channel extravaganza or what have you.

“Honest to blog" is the single worst line of dialogue ever written and delivered on screen.

Or the other Philip, Baker Hall, and Paul Thomas Anderson.

Is there more divisive, non-finale episode in TV history? I loved, one of the best I thought. People in this very thread despised it. C’est la vie.

Oh that makes sense. At the time I thought Gus was thinking “This lawyer managed to persuade a man like Lalo to change his plans? He seems like a talented man I should go into business with”. So I appreciate that different take, I think it works better.

Someone made the point to me recently that “The more you see him [Mike] the less it makes sense that Walt got him”.

This might be apocryphal, but when asked if you could make Blazing Saddles today, Brooks replied along the lines of “Of course not. You couldn’t make it then either, but we did anyway”.

That’s a great line, man.

I sort of liked the new film (well, the cast mostly) but I think the story needed more time to breathe.

Her best, most endearing performance is the one where her character can barely speak English.

Just needs him saying the single word “Hughie” in five consecutive accents. Every Karl Urban line delivery is like a world tour.

I get the point you’re making here Will, but we had a entire season of (great) TV about Wanda coming to terms with her grief and then we suffered through The Multiverse of bleedin’ Madness, so...

He was also happy to be photographed looking significantly shorter than Teller, too.

I actually thought Glenn Plummer looked more like Goose than Miles Teller did. (Plummer was close to getting the role of Rooster but obviously lost out to Teller. Teller did a good job and the role of Hangman was given to Plummer and expanded significantly because Plummer had impressed them trying out for Rooster, so