A guy on a podcast I listen to described him as “that actor, you know the one who always looks like he just beat off?”.
A guy on a podcast I listen to described him as “that actor, you know the one who always looks like he just beat off?”.
Sam Rockwell and Saoirse Ronan just seems like a unfathomably brilliant pairing.
I *think* Strange is peaking into different timestreams within his own Universe, rather than the Multiverse.
I bet he plays someone who appears mostly on screens espousing Vault-Tec rhetoric.
That’s exactly what I thought reading this story. Adapt the whole trilogy for TV, see how long it is before everyone taps out because every even vaguely sympathetic character has been corrupted or killed or most likely corrupted and then killed.
No problem, enjoy!
It’s the third time this month too, after Paul McCartney’s top 30 songs and Favourite Pixar films.
I love that story, it has so much bonkers packed into 6 pages or whatever.
Sorry for the late comment, but I’ve just caught up.
Ooh that dirty git, he stole that from Jack Elam!
It helps that it is a much better film than Doctor Strange, Lightyear and, I’m taking this one on faith, Jurassic World.
And they've cast the great Kathryn Newton as Cassie which would lead me to believe they have proper plans for her. Similar to how Florence Pugh was never going to be just a cameo in Hawkeye as some suggested.
Not even close, although admittedly by now The Stones have had Ronnie Wood as a member for a lot longer than they haven't.
It’s absolutely flying (heh) in the UK too, as you might imagine. Obviously that’s not a huge amount of money worldwide as we’re only diddy but it’s about $20m I think.
That was my reaction! Every day a school day.
Agreed mate, I’ve often said there’s no absolute “too long” for a film, just films that don’t justify their running time.
Almost surreally, I have tickets for the first Hyde Park gig (chiefly because my sister was very keen to see both the Stones and the support acts - Phoebe Bridges and The War on Drugs), so I’m very happy it seems to still be on.
I mean what we in Britain refer to as “Rules” rather than association football.
Just for clarity, when you say “footy” you mean the unruly, violent, elbow-to-the-face variety, correct?
What gets me is that each thing that has dealt with the Multiverse directly (Loki, No Way Home and Doctor Strange) each have a different reason for multiverse shenanigans and aren’t really related. I was expecting one event to cause the walls between world to weaken, or what have you, and that the other stories would…