There’s a lot of stuff in the UK labelled as a “Netflix original” which is quite annoying. Better Call Saul, for example. It’s basically for anything that Netflix shows first, as far as I can tell.
There’s a lot of stuff in the UK labelled as a “Netflix original” which is quite annoying. Better Call Saul, for example. It’s basically for anything that Netflix shows first, as far as I can tell.
Worse is people who brag about never having seen something, or even more insufferably, that they’ve never heard of it.
Seconded. I have absolutely no knowledge about League of Legends and I thought Arcane was superb. Reading about LoL afterwards, I think it was actually a good thing I didn’t know about it because it made Arcane all the less predictable.
Yes, I know what you mean. The constant fight scenes didn’t help.
Kulvinder Ghir, great stuff, haven't seen him in an age. He was one quarter of the tremendous Goodness Gracious Me many years ago.
Lee Child said that. I paraphrase, but he said that Reacher’s size makes him unstoppable, and Cruise has that unstoppability factor but in a different way.
Also funny that said activist is played by Roma Maffia.
That’s another one! My Dad pisses himself when he hears that.
Some of the music in South Park down the years is so good.
Minnie Mouse is not a Rat Lady. Mice are not rats.
That, in its original form, is one *the* great line deliveries, up there with “By Grabthar’s hammer...
I only ever saw bits of this when I was round a mate’s house but I suspect this is Star Stories with Kevin Bishop and friends.
I really mostly know these from the Bojack Horseman gag I will now butcher.
K.C Houseman is the character name you prannocks, played by John Bradley.
There’s one really odd bit in that film with Tommy Lee and his wife. There spend several minutes of a scene building her up as the most shrewish harpy alive, as if to pre-emptively justify Lee hitting her...then he does hit her and everyone in the scene (including Lee) reacts as you would hope everyone would react…
Only because she thought Clint Eastwood was involved.
I love that film, Joel McHale makes such a great Johnny Cage.
The Larry Niven fan in me loved that the first act was set on a Ringworld (did we already know that the Star Wars universe had those?) and my cinephile self loved the non-action oner as Djin walked through the casino.
In the film The League’s of Gentlemen’s Apocalypse, Michael Sheen actually played Jeremy Dyson (the other Leaguers played themselves) so it’s cool they’re working together on this.
Cabin Pressure is pretty much perfect. It has maybe four episodes that are under par and even those are perfectly good.