
did I SAY anything about nationality? That boy is as white as elmer's glue, don't care if he from denmark. He's clearly been infected by the worst of white American culture. Fast cars, milk drinking, frankly it's been out of control for a while. Shouldn't be surprised Dundee came up and turned rotten.

hell yeah, white community. Those people need to be kept in line. And those white leaders need to step up and show that they won't tolerate this behavior or we're gonna end up thinking all of them are "down" with this kind of behavior

hooray, again when is the white community gonna step up and put a stop to all this thuggery consistently on display in nascar (this should be the new "first")

a majority of me wants to believe this is an elaborate character. So close to a stereotype it's hard to believe it's real

lol and in this corner josedinero jumps the shark comparing the side he dislikes to nazis

also when I wrote "black owner" I meant to write "white owner" or maybe "racist owner", anyway I know DS ain't black

First of all, that's a damn sexy name. Got the tildes and everything. Mmm. Onto business...

I'm pretty sure you're allowed to travel in the last 2 seconds of the game. Refs don't want the game decided by their whistle lol

He's been an awful individual and a poor owner/steward of the Clippers franchise for years. Now things are looking up in terms of the marketability of team and their own court success stemming largely from his willingness to spend money now and the team actually playing seems distinctly unfair to the

I don't understand what your point is. People can love their jobs and CEOs? People can love their jobs and never think about their CEOs. I also think what a CEO does for a company is pretty far removed from what an NBA owner does for a team. In fact, don't NBA teams usually have different people in those roles. Also

also fuck me for misspelling the word "your". Is it just standard operating procedure on the internet to go after that type of mistake or do ppl only do that when they're pissed off? I completely try to avoid that sort of nitpickery in an argument. If a person truly lacks the ability to spell basic English properly

idk if you read my shorter response, but basically, they're part of the players union if a refusal of play is taking place, everybody in the league should be refusing to play, the playoffs should stall and truly force the league to step in in order to prevent them from losing money

Also because the entire league is basically complicit in allowing a racist to be an owner, this is not just the responsibility of the clippers players and coaches to fix. The weight of it should be on all the owners not just a group of players trying to win somefin'

Okay just incase my post is tldr, my suggestion is that the clippers are part of a player's union, the entire player's union should boycott the playoffs until Donald Sterling loses ownership of the team. That way everybody feels the pain and the loss and the sacrifice equally and it's felt by all owners and fans not

My suggestion is no suggestion really. If the players want to go with your idea, I wouldn't be mad at them, but your insistence that it's the best way for them to proceed completely ignores their love of the game, all of the work they invested into getting themselves in that position, and the fact that public outrage

Yes, my professional wrestling inspired, lazily thrown out idea of rousing the crowd with "Sterling Sucks" is the very best idea in existence, and I can't fathom how anybody would see any flaws in it. (I'm sure you're going to pick that apart, have fun) Anyway lemme read your other comment real quick.

Is telling someone to get off of someone else's dick homophobic? I'm not suggesting you should. In fact, I don't even want to know. I'm asking for a friend. All trolling aside, Jones is pretty dynamic and not the greatest human being.

Also I see that you mentioned mgmt in your answer, but this is crazy. They work this hard for themselves and you expect them to torpedo all of their hard work to take some moral stance against some guy who cuts their checks. I am probably angrier with you than I am with Donal Sterling for insisting that this is the

Why isn't up to other owners to ask for his removal from his league? Why isn't up to the NBA commissioner Adam Sterling to suspend this guy and take ownership of his team? Why do basketball players who dream of getting a championship...fuck are you talking about bro? I don't care how nice your owner is. No

How much good did this doc really do for Lee? I'm surprised he let someone treat him so poorly. He always speaks publicly with such bravado.