
she looks so tiny in that picture

I have heard of none of those other movies except Revolutionary Road.

Can you recommend like two romance movies where you like their portrayal of women? Also, I like Stranger than Fiction, but I kinda want you to make fun of it.

I don't want to live in a world where a man can get fired for pissing in his own mouth.

Why are there no pictures of the food? I cane here for pictures of the food! Deceptive

omg could we please have all @ replies to bill simmons contain that hashtag?

new podcast name Never Not Noying

This is classless and I love it #notarolemodel

Is rape role play a better term for it? Because it is a thing. Even if we pretend that only men are into it, rape role play is a thing. Is that the most accurate term for it?

Oh, haha, I see, this is fun for you. I look forward to the next opportunity you'll give everyone to try to make you feel dumb.

Oh, come on, you know he won that one. He's almost playing a character in that retort, and even if he isn't it's close enough that I can imagine he is.

I'm just browsing your comments. You sound angry, but on some level this has to be fun for you, right? You know you can't convince these people you're right, but you're hoping to make them feel stupid enough that they lose the desire to write something that provokes you to write more. This has to be entertaining

I wouldn't describe myself as...basically I'd have to google the word "attuned" to know how to use it correctly. I don't think I'm extra perceptive especially when it comes to reading the intentions of an online commenter. I also don't think I have much of a radar for snark. I know Deadspin for attracting pun-happy

Troll, insult, disparage, many other words seem more appropriate to describe the act of calling someone else a shithead. Condemn I guess it's an okay word. It just seems like a bit much. Badmouth makes it sound like Deadspin matters. Like Deadspin calling him a shithead will actually do some

The people who pay Gisele think her image does a better job at selling things than other women we find more attractive. She's tops cuz consumers who find her image appealing buy the things that she promotes. Top supermodel has more to do with how much money a model brings in than their actual hotness ranking if you

Yeah, I don't think we really disagree about anything. If I had to/got to pick (without knowing anything about mugshot girl except she took a really good mugshot pic for some hopefully minor crime she committed), I'd probably go with mugshot girl over gisele because she'd likely be easier to relate too, but if either

This comments section is awful. There you've been warned. The scene by the movie ticket counter whatever reminds me of Huey from the Boondocks cartoon (and I say cartoon cuz I'm really more familiar with that than the comics, and I also don't mean the latest season. The latest season is really bad. It just shouldn't

Whoa whoa whoa slow down. I didn't say she didn't do it for me. A girl doesn't have to be that attractive do do it for me, but she's just a real pretty girl. This guy's eyes, lips, bone structure is model quality. He looks like he could easily be a CK model. She just looks like a real pretty girl.

Maybe they'll have one for women if more mugshots of hot men get released. I insist that men like to look at hot women regardless of their situation. Smoking gun saw a thing catch fire and they responded to it. Just because men also have that predilection doesn't mean women don't have it or don't have it worse for

She's a meme. You're conflating two different things. Men trying to track down a hot girl who happened to be in a mugshot and became a meme isn't the same thing as men turned on specifically because she committed a crime. There was a girl in a t-shirt ad (Busted Tees?) that men were trying to track down cuz she was