
Great... Just friggin’ great!

Steve Bialik does pretty awesome Star Wars-in-medieval-Japan designs:

If we die, we want people to accept it. We are in a risky business, and we hope that if anything happens to us, it will not delay the program. The conquest of space is worth the risk of life.

More complicated than even compassion. She also gets a source of labor that is both very inexpensive and simultaneously very loyal. They have to stick with her because literally no one else will accept them. Her practices can be interpreted as either compassion or ruthless pragmatism.

Its never lupus.

Sorta cute, but definitely “swipe left.”

I used to think that too but come on, you don't think it would be even a little awesome to snowboard through the streets of Manhattan? White rim sunglasses or not?

You just gotta believe.

I imagine your EVERYONE done by Gary Oldman in The Professional.

Getting this toy set when I was 10 years old is still an incredibly happy memory for me.

I can’t believe George Lucas drives a motherfucking Jeep.

Eh. I personally would buy that Han Solo would have been the world’s worst possible stay-at-home dad while Mom attended to important politics work. Sure, everyone else knows mom and dad as heroes. Ben knows them as that guy who gets angry for no good reason all the time and the mom who is always fighting with dad on

“I confronted Bryan about taking the small bottle of hot sauce. “

Well yeah. ANY food items in your bed should be thrown out immediately. Who wants to eat something that could be full of bed bugs, dead skin, pubes, cum, etc.?

Yeah, they made the safe call, and it’s paid off HUGE. Disney/Abrams gave the FANS what the FANS wanted.

I only wash my feet if I think I’m going to get my toes sucked.

He’s a pretty great character too. Someone so obsessed with the past but never managing to live up to it (yet).

I love the idea that it was the Star Wars Holiday Special that turned Ben to the dark side.

Pictures depict the moments before Kylo’s annual Life Day tantrum.